I shrugged, "they really are decent people. I think I always knew that though." She nodded, "yes well, you always were smarter than your father." I laughed, "well that doesn't take too much, now does it mother?" She just chuckled shaking her head.

"Before I forget my dear son, we are going to Sirius and Remus' house for dinner tomorrow night. I expect you on your best behavior." I rolled my eyes, "mother I am always behaved.." I looked at her, smiling. "Since I know you're wondering, yes Harry will be there."

I immediately stopped smiling, rolling my eyes, "I wasn't wondering mother!" She just chuckled shooing me away. I went up to my room, immediately looking for something to wear tomorrow.

Okay maybe I did care that Potter was going to be there, but it wasn't because I fancied him. I just wanted him to feel comfortable around me. I know deep down he's having issues trusting me still, the only one I think really gets along with me easiest is Hermione. Surprisingly considering what I did to her, but I figured if I could ever be friends with any of the golden trio it would be her.

We have very similar minds. If I would have gotten over being my fathers evil spawn much sooner, maybe me and her could've done great work in our classes together. I seem to be getting along well with Ron too, we have a very teasing relationship but it works for us.

Harry seems to be taking this whole change differently. I can't say I blame him, I mean he has every right to push anyone and everyone away at this point. I just need to show him it's safe to let me in, and if it takes time then time is what he will get. After all I've wanted his friendship for seven years, so I'm not going to mess up my chance once I get it.

"Do you have everything dear?" Mother asked and I nodded, holding up the bottles of wine. "Are you okay to apparate?" She asked and I shrugged, "yeah I am alright mother." I always had issues apparating, it made me nauseous. Nonetheless we walked outside and my mother grabbed my hand and apparated us away with a quick pop.

Sirius walked out to greet us, smiling widely. "Cissa, how nice to see you, beautiful as always my dear cousin." Mother smiled sweetly, "it's been too long, Sirius. I'm so sorr-" Sirius cut her off, "none of that is needed. Come inside please. Draco nice to see you, Harry's inside." I glared between him and my mother, after seeing the look they shared.. but followed them in closely.

While the three adults were catching up, I walked over to Harry and Teddy. "Hey Harry." He looked up, and smiled at me. "Hey Malfoy." Teddy started giggling, and I looked down at the baby with a smile. "He's absolutely precious." Harry beamed up at me, looking back down at Teddy, continuing to coo at the little one.

I smiled, looking between the two fondly. Harry had always been attractive, but Harry with kids is just genuinely adorable. "It's about time for his nap, I'm going to put him down in his crib then we can hang out." I nodded, "alright, sounds like a plan." He shot me an awkward smile, and was on his way up the stairs.

"Mr. Malfoy, how are you?" I turned to the voice, smiling at Lupin. "Please professor, call me Draco. Mr. Malfoy was my father." Lupin smiled, nodding, "Alright Draco. Only if you agree to call me Remus."

"That can be arranged, Remus." He chuckled, smiling at me before returning to his conversation. There was another apparation sound outside, and I tilted my head in confusion. Harry had just come down the stairs. "I'll get it!" He shouted before going to open the door, headmistress walked in and I was a tad shocked as he hugged her. "Hello Harry." She greeted warmly. "Hey Minnie. REMMIE, PADS, MINNIE IS HERE!" He shouted making Remus laugh.

"Blimey Harry , we're right here stop shouting, didn't you just put Teddy down for a nap?" He made a sort of disgruntled noise, and shrugged. "I'm sorry." Everyone just laughed at the raven haired boy, and McGonagall finally noticed me and mother. "Oh hello Narcissa, Draco. Lovely to see you're joining our dinner." Mother smiled, "lovely to see you Minerva." I awkwardly waved, "erm, hello headmistress." McGonagall waved her hand, laughing softly at me, "McGonagall or Minerva is just fine in this setting Draco." I chuckled, nodding.

Harry grabbed my hand pulling me towards the stairs, "we'll be upstairs! Call us when dinner is ready." I heard Remus faintly telling Sirius to watch it, and just rolled my eyes. Harry must be dealing with the same stuff I am with mother. Once we got to his room, he opened the door allowing me to enter first. "Thank you." He smiled, patting my back awkwardly. "No problem, and don't worry about Minnie, it was weird at first for me to call her that.. but you get used to it."

I smiled, taking in the sight of his room. "Much cleaner than I expected." He shoved me playfully, rolling his eyes, "I don't have to worry about classes and school stresses and threats on my bloody life here. It's my safe space, and I like keeping it relaxing." I nodded, "I understand that. I am not sure I have a safe space anymore, the manor may have changed a lot now, but I still see every torturous war moment as I walk through it." He nodded, "that's how I've been feeling at hogwarts, but we'll get through it as long as we all stick together."

I smiled, thankful that I finally became apart of Harry Potters 'we'. "Of course we will, you already defeated Voldemort, we can defeat a little trauma." He chuckled, throwing a pillow at me, "bloody hell, can we talk about anything besides the war?" I nodded, sitting next to him, "so are Sirius and Remus together?" I had a feeling the two were, so I needed my suspicions confirmed. Harry smiled, glancing at a picture of the three of them. "They're working on it. Remus has always loved Sirius, but in a way he felt he couldn't reach him. So he moved on with Tonks and now she's gone, and he has slowly realized maybe after all this time he still loved Sirius. They're going slow."

I nodded, "well I think they'd make a great couple." Harry nodded, "I just want to see them happy. They've become my official family. I mean the Weasleys and Hermione have always been my family, but it honestly feels different with Remus and Sirius. Maybe it's knowing that my parents trusted them with me." I leaned my head on his shoulder.

"Do you have a shoulder fetish or something?" He asked, and I started laughing. "No I don't have a shoulder fetish you prat! You're just comfortable, and I lay where I'm comfortable." I huffed out, glaring up at him. He looked down at me and smiled the cheekiest smile I'd ever seen, "you really are quite dramatic darling." I blushed at the name, sticking my tongue out at him. "Shove off."

"Okay!" He said smirking, before shoving me off his bed. I gasped, yelping as I made contact with the floor. "Oh you prat!" I hollered back, grabbing the pillow he threw at me earlier and throwing it back at him. It hit him in the face and he glared at me before coming over and wrapping his arms around me ticking me.

"Potter! Unhand me at o-once, no stop!" I shouted, laughing too hard to speak without stutters. "Nope this is what you get." He teased continuing to tickle me until we heard someone clear their throat. He stopped tickling to me and looked up at the door, arms still around my waist. Sirius cocked an eyebrow up, looking between the two of us.

He slowly let go of my waist, straightening up, "don't start." He said shooting a knowing look at Sirius that made me chuckle to myself. Sirius raised his hands up in defense, "wasn't going to comment. Remus wanted me to tell you two that dinner is about to be ready, and to keep it down so you don't wake Teddy up. You're a wizard Harry. Learn a silencing charm."

I snickered quietly as Sirius left. "Shut it." He grunted making me laugh harder, "he.. he said you're a wizard Harry!" I said gasping for air. Harry rolled his eyes, "that's how I found out I was a wizard on my eleventh birthday when Hagrid busted down the door." I tilted my head, "you didn't know you were a wizard until you were eleven?!" He shook his head chuckling, "nope, sure didn't." I just gaped at him in shock, that was unbelievable.

About a half hour later, and after many pillow fights, we headed downstairs out of breath because dinner was ready. Mother smiled at us, "it's so nice seeing you two get along, just like it always should've been." McGonagall nodded, smiling a bit, "two sides of the same coin, as I always said. You boys will make a great team." Me and Harry awkwardly smiled, sitting down around the table.

It was a lovely dinner, homemade food was always better than preparing it the wizards way. We all talked about various things, but for the most part me and Harry were talking while the other four caught up with one another. He seemed much more relaxed here than he did talking in our dorm. Hopefully someday we can reach this level of comfort with each other everywhere.


A/N hope you enjoyed loves.

Much love,


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