Maid for me

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Thank you @amailiz for the request!

- Skipper 🧡

You were seething. Absolutely furious. Your hands shook, and your face was as red as Jason's helmet. Despite your obvious frustration, your boyfriend sat before you with a smirk on his lips and a smug look in his eyes. You knew you shouldn't have taken that bet. It was stupid. This whole thing was stupid. And even then, you knew you were wrong, so why did you agree to this? Well, pride is a devious thing that holds people just above the sand only to drop them when the odds are off. The sand seeks faster into your throat and eyes, causing you to gasp for air and claw your way to redemption. Pride only watches as you struggle, but it doesn't help nor walk away. And that's the predicament you found yourself in now.

"C'mon, give me a twirl baby," His voice was smooth and low as he leaned back on the bed. He supported himself with one hand as the other lifted, his pointer finger performing a 360° as he demonstrated a 'twirl' for you. His eager behavior was not contagious, and your fists gripped the black skirt tighter in your fists. You nearly cursed at him as you felt your face become flustered, but you suddenly remembered the prospects of the deal you both made. Swallowing your pride, you obliged your boyfriends not so innocent request and spun in a circle. He chuckled and slowly shook his head. "M'need you to do it again, but slower this time, sweetheart." You knew this wasn't a request, but a demand. If the raise of his eyebrow and the darkening of his eyes were of any hint, he was challenging you to protest.

This was going to be a long day.


You huffed and rubbed your temple. The residue from the wet washcloth stained your hands, but you couldn't care less at the moment. You had been moving around in these high heels all day, attending to Jason's needs or wants. It didn't help that he had asked for a massage on his shoulders and feet earlier, the audacity. Your heels ached, there was a dull throb in your temple, the semi cheap clothing was beginning to itch, and you were starving. Finally, the sun had started to set, and your boyfriend was lounging on the couch after he finished eating dinner. That you cooked. And dishes that you just finished washing.

He was lucky you loved him.

Amongst your exhausted state, you hadn't noticed the sound of movement in the living room, nor the shuffling of feet approaching you from behind. Strong arms slithering around your waist had you startled, and you sighed when you realized it was only Jason. "What do you want now?" You asked softly as you glanced to the clock. You started this stupid agreement this morning, around 10:00, so you didn't have much longer until you could strip from this uncomfortable outfit and take your shit before moving to the couch for the night. You silently made the decision that you would refuse to sleep in the same bed as him after he called you his princess in rags.

"I want my girlfriend to go set up a nice hot shower, get out of this sexy outfit, and relax herself while I prepare some popcorn and a good movie." Your eyebrows etched together in confusion, and you looked over your shoulder to give him a questioning look. It wasn't close to midnight (when you both agreed this whole bet would end), and yet he wanted you to stop? Was this a joke? "Huh?" The small noise is confusion escaped your soft, parted lips. Jason smirked and kissed your jaw softly. His arms slightly tightened around your torso as he began rocking you both from side to side. Despite the day he had put you through, you still found yourself relaxing into his hold.

"I want to see you relaxed and happy again. I had a good time, I won't lie," a soft swap to his arm made him pause and subtly laugh. "But I haven't seen that beautiful smile of yours today, and I feel my heart break a little more every time I hear you sigh. Not to mention, I can see you rubbing your heels." Jason said in a murmur. A soft smile tugged at your lips, and Jason felt his lips pull up at the sight. Oh, he missed it. It was just a small smile, but it was enough for Jason's heart to melt.

"Are you sure? You won that bet fair and square, and we haven't finished the agreement yet." You mumbled back to him. He shook his head and peppered light kisses into your neck. "My girls' health and happiness is more important than some stupid bet." His warm breath made soft shivers run up your spine. "No matter how right I was." He teased. A soft giggle made is easy from your lips as you playfully rolled your eyes. "Jason, this better be the best damn popcorn I've ever had, or you're sleeping on the couch tonight." You threatened as you pulled from his hold. Your steps began to echo from the kitchen, and Jason smiled to himself as he reached into the cabinet to grab an extra bag of popcorn.

"Oh, and by the way," your voice startled the peacful tranquility of the kitchen. "I'm picking the movie tonight. We're not watching The Hunger Games again." Jason's mouth gaped, and his attention snapped to your head that was peeking into the kitchen from the hallway. "WhAt?" Jason's offended tone made you laugh as you actually exited the kitchen this time. "It's the best movie series ever!" Jason continued to rant and ramble about the damn movies you couldn't escape, and all the while, you smiled and prepared the shower with a fond look in your eyes. Jason shut his mouth when he heard the bathroom door shut, the water from the shower head beating against the wall or ricocheting off your soft skin.

The peace that had enveloped you since you stepped into the warmth of the shower quickly dissipated when Jason's voice echoed throughout the bathroom. "And don't get me started on the Twighlight movie series." A loud groan as your hand ripped back the shower curtain. "JASON, GET OUT!" His feet scrambled away. "SORRY!" Though the laughing made it obvious that he was, in fact, not sorry.

Jason Todd Imagines/PrefrencesWhere stories live. Discover now