Pale points

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All my anxiety and nerves simply provoked my actions, I hadn't meant to make myself bleed. This happens when I mindlessly bite at the skin around my finger nails. I had stopped this habit when me and Jason begn dating, it was all because he helped me do other things to help my nerves. Whether it be reading or drawing, it was something other than biting my nails. He always had claimed that biting my nails was an unhealthy habit, he was right of course, but I couldn't help it.

Now here I was, stressing out over uncompleted homework, angry friends, and today being our anniversary. I had so many plans for the day, until unplanned work was dumped in my lap. The professor said that he meant to give it to us but simply forgot, now the homework was due at midnight. I was so rushed that I forgot about the big date Jason and I was going to go on. The only reason I remembered at all was because Jason had texted me that his mission was over and he was coming to pick me up. At first I was confused until I remembered what he was picking me up for.

In a rush I took a hot shower and quickly did my afterwards routine. Now here I am, in a towel, freaking out over what outfit to wear for our date. It has to be beautiful, it was our two year anniversary and Jason was so excited for this date. How could I have forgotten about this, what kind of girlfriend forgets such a wonderful day? I nervously bite my nails as my other hand combs through the clothing in my closet.

Before I knew it the taste of Iron floods my senses and I'm pulled from my thoughts. I exam my hand and see that I've chewed so much on the skin of my thumb that blood was dropping to the floor. A stinging feeling shoots through my hand and I hiss in pain. I sigh and sit down on the edge of my bed. Even if I go out and have fun with my amazing boyfriend I will come back home and have less than two hours to complete my work. If I stay home and do my work I'll disappoint Jason, something I just can't stand the thought of.

Amongst my overthinking I hadn't noticed the tears streaming down my puffed cheeks. Nor did I notice the bedroom door opening.

A hand placed itself on my shoulder and I quickly looked up to see a well dressed Jason standing before me. Concern written all over his face. I waste no time to jump into his arms and cry into his shirt. He wraps his arms tightly around me and sooths me.
"I'm so sorry" My words are muffled due to his shirt but he heard me.
"Why are you sorry babe?" He asks. I only hug him tighter.
"I had so many plans for us today but then my professor dumped a load of homework on me and it's due at midnight tonight. I forgot about our date!" I sobbed into his shoulder.

I feel his chest rumble with laughter and his hands gently grab my face. He pulls me back to look into my eyes and all I see is love and reassurance.
"It's not your fault so don't be sorry. I don't care if we have to cancel our plans, spending time with you is what I love, not the fancy food. Though that is a bonus" He says. Through my tears I feel myself smiling at his kind words. Then a whole wave of new tears form.
"I love you" I cry. He only laughs and kisses my forehead.
"I love you too" He couldn't help but laugh again at my emotional state.
"I'm still sorry" I sob. He sighs and kisses my forehead again, then my nose and cheeks, finally my pouting lips.

"Stop saying sorry, it's not your fault. Now why don't I stay here and help with your homework. We can get it done together while also spending time with one another" He suggests. I smile and nod. He wipes my eyes and the remaining tears on my cheeks.
"God your so beautiful, even when you cry" He looks over my face with a smile. I whine and stuff my face into his shoulder from embarrassment.
"stop~" I draw out the o. He laughs and wraps his arms back around me firmly.


After getting comfortable and taking a few hours to complete my homework, we decided to just laze about and watch T.V. As I lay on Jason's chest he plays with my hair and I gently run my fingers up and down his bare chest.
"Hey" He interrupts the silence. I look up to him from the T.V. He takes ahold of my hand and interlocks our fingers.
"Is this from earlier?" He asks, gazing at the worn away skin on my fingers. I sigh and look away from him.
"Maybe.." From the corner of my eye I see him tilt his head with a smile on his face.

"Maybe?" He teases. I pout and flick his forearm as he laughs at me. Once he catches his breath and calms down he squeezes my hand and I peer back up to him again.
"I'm not mad you know. I know you try not to bite on these pretty little fingers, I also know that you bite on them without even thinking about it" He soothes. I bite the inside of my cheek as he kisses my fingers one by one.

"You'll get better, alright, I promise you that" He affirms me. I can't help but melt at his words, he's the only one who could ever make me feel this way. I nod and kiss his chin before setting my cheek against his chest. I hear a huff of frustration from above me before he grabs my chin and turns my head back to him.
"You missed" He playfully scolds. I chuckle and kiss his nose.
"Better?" He gives me a 'really' look before I smile and lean in.

"Fine, just because I love you so much" I mumble onto his lips before pressing a firm kiss against them. He truly was the love of my life and I would do anything for him, as he would do for me.

Jason Todd Imagines/PrefrencesWhere stories live. Discover now