Shower voice

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It had been a long and tiring day. You were looking forward to a nice shower, to feel the hot water run down your tense muscles and the stress and worry slip your mind. Not to mention the cuddling you would receive from your boyfriend after he came home from 'work'.

Standing under the shower head you let your body relax for a while before you began washing yourself. You were sure to go slow so you could savor every moment of this shower. The thought of having to go back into that office the next day just made you want to stay in the shower forever.

You begin washing the shampoo from your head, massaging your scalp in the process. It felt nice. You sighed in pleasure. Nothing really mattered to you in that moment, it was your time of relaxation and you were going to use it. You were so relaxed in fact, that you began humming to your favorite song. After a while you even started singing to it. Near the end of the song you heard a small chuckle come from the other side of the shower curtain. You immediately stopped and pulled back the corner of the barrier. You blushed and became a flustering mess at the sight in front of you.

Jason, your boyfriend, was leaning against the closed door in only his sweat pants. His arms were crossed and a shit eating grin was plastered on his face. If it weren't for the circumstances you would be happy to see him. Though now you were only embarrassed.
"Jason get out!" You yelled at him. He chuckled and put his hands up in surrender.
"Babe I announced my presence the moment I opened the door" He grinned. No he didn't, he-

"Hey baby I know your showering but can I wash my hands real quick? Got a little bruised on the mission" He asked. You hummed in response and he entered the bathroom.

Oh. You gulped and stuttered for a come back.
"W-well- whatever Jason just get out!" You whined. He laughed and opened the door to leave. He hesitated before closing the door completely and looked back to you.
"You have a beautiful singing voice" He complimented. He shuts the door and your left with your thoughts. You were embarrassed that you had been caught singing, but you also couldn't help but smile at his words. It was a simple compliment but it still meant something to you.
You walked out of the bathroom in your pajamas you chose for the night. You threw the towel into the hamper and made your way to the bedroom you shared with Jason.

You opened the door and peered in. He was lying against the head board with a book in hand. He looks up from the page at the sound of the door creaking. He grins and puts the small ribbon in place to mark his spot. He places the book on the dresser and crosses his arms. You fully enter the room and close the door after yourself.

For a moment it was just uncomfortable silence. Well it was uncomfortable for one of you, Jason was enjoying every second of this. When you finally had enough of the suffocating atmosphere you scoffed and made your way over to the bed. Avoiding eye contact with him, if you did you knew you would retreat back and become a flustering mess once again.

You laid yourself down and pulled the covers over your figure, turning your back towards him. You pulled the covers to your chin and close your eyes. After a few moments you heard the sound of the bedside lamp being cut off and the bedsheets being moved around behind you. Two muscular arms wrapped around your waist and you were pulled into a warm and welcoming chest.

Jason nuzzles his nose into your neck, just taking in the scent. One he grew to absolutely love.

"So-" He started, his lips dangerously close to your ear.
"No" You simply stated. He let out a genuine laugh and held you tighter. God you loved that laugh.
"No what?" He asked, you decided to amuse him.
"Don't talk about, y'know, the whole shower thing" You mumble. He could practically feel the heat radiating off your face.
"Why nooot?" He sort of whined but laughed at the end.
"Because it was embarrassing!" You laugh. You were embarrassed but still found the whole situation funny.
"I thought your shower voice was beautiful" He admitted.
"Oh so only my shower voice is beautiful, what about my normal voice hm?" You attempted to turn the tables so you wouldn't be the only embarrassed one.

He used the arms wrapped around your waist to turn you to be slightly facing him. He pulled his head back so he could gaze over your beautiful features before saying his peace.
"Your voice is always beautiful to me angel, everything about you is beautiful" He said. You smiled and blushed at his statement.

You always enjoyed his flirting and compliments but you despised the satisfaction he got from seeing you flustered. You hid your face into his bare chest and mumbled something inaudible. He laughed and kissed your head.
"What was that?" He poked.
"Nevermind" You quickly took it back.
"I didn't hear you, come on say it louder" He teased. He knew how embarrassing it was for you to tell him your feelings. And you knew he wouldn't stop bothering you until the truth was pried out.

"I said everything about you is beautiful to me too" You admitted. He smiled and held you tighter. He loved to hear you say those words. To hear that an angel like yourself could love something as broken as Jason. He sighed and kissed your forehead.
"Thank you angel.." He said. You hummed in response and nuzzled your face deeper into his chest.

He wasn't lying. He was absolutely in love with everything about you. Your singing voice, how your awful at remembering recipes, how you stay up for him to return from late night missions, the gentle squeezes you would give his hand out in public, your soft attitude towards life, He loves you.

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