Off screen

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Chosen Location- C/L

There you were. Sigh. You are so beautiful. Even seeing you through the screen made Jason's face heat up. He's had a fancy for you ever since he was young, and as he's practically grown up with so has his crush. Not only is your voice angelic but so are you. Everything about you drags Jason under and he has no intention of fighting the current.

It was a shame you decided to take a break from your music, though Jason understood the need for some relaxation. In the mean time he could just binge your old videos on YouTube or some other music app. Ever since you went acapella you've been successful, way more than you were with your K-pop group.

Jason was walking out the door before a hand was placed on his shoulder. He turned around and took out the ear bud, your latest album faintly playing in his other ear.

"Dude I called out your name like 5 times. Exactly how hard are you simping for Y/n again? I mean I never expected you to be into that kind of music" Dick teased. Jason had gotten used to the teasing by his family, well he thinks he has, his ears still turn red from hidden embarrassment.

"Oh shut up asshole. What do you want?" He huffed. Jason already wanted this conversation to be over.

"While your out I was hoping you could pick up some nail polish. I've run out of my usual black color" Dick stated. Jason only raises his eyebrow as a smirk dances on his lips.
"Yeah whatever..emo" He teases back, plugging in his ear bud and shutting the door before Dicks protests could reach him.


Jason smiled to himself as he left the store. He got a bit more than he was supposed to but how could he not? This was the perfect chance to make fun of his older brother so of course he wasn't going to let this opportunity slip from his grasp. He had bought actual nail polish and then some fake nails as well. Jason pulled the box from the bag and examined the product. He could almost laugh out loud as he imagined his brothers reaction. As the scenario played in his head he hadn't noticed the person he was about to walk into before it was too late. Bodies crashed and items dropped.

"Oh- damnit I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention" Jason apologized as he pulled out his ear buds and put them away into his pocket. He crouched down as the person did as well.
"No its alright! Don't worry about it" That voice..sounded so familiar. Jason's eyebrows furrowed at the thought and he reached for the phone lying on the ground before another hand did as well. As your hands touched a spark jumped from one's finger to the other. Jason jumped the slightest and looked up to the person in surprise.

Oh. My. Shit. There you were. You had an oversized hoodie on as well as the hood itself pulled over your head. It wasn't necessarily the wrong weather for that, but it still didn't seem comfortable. However Jason could only think of one thing. That's Y/n L/n standing right in front of me. Obviously you hadn't cared much for accidentally revealing yourself to the stranger in front of you as you apologized profusely as you stood back up with his and your own stuff.

"I'm so sorry" You mumbled one last time before Jason gently grabbed ahold of your arm, drawing your attention from the items in your hands. How was he supposed to approach you?

"Your y/n l/n" He stated. You could of swore you saw stars in his eyes. You quickly covered his mouth and glanced around you both. Luckily it was dark out and the area you both were in wasn't relatively clean of crime. Basically, no one was around.

"Y-yeah I am but you don't need to say it so loud!" You whispered to him.
"Well what are you doing here? In Gotham?" He asked when he pried your hand from his mouth. You sighed and gave up in keeping him quiet.

Jason Todd Imagines/PrefrencesWhere stories live. Discover now