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As I open my heavy eyes the world around me seems so far away. I must have passed out at some point last night seeing as I don't remember falling asleep. I slowly sit up rubbing my eyes to try to get rid of the haziness. As I open my eyes again I feel my heartbeat pick up pace noticing I have no clue where I am. I panicked for a few seconds before remembering yesterday's events. I take a deep sigh of relief. I'm just at Tyler's house. I know where I am. It's okay.

I glance around the room getting a sense of my surroundings since I didn't get a chance to last night. The bed I'm sitting in now in the far corner  of the room on the opposite wall from the door. On the left of me there's a nightstand. On the other side of me is a wall with a window. As I look forward I see the closet where Tyler got the blanket from last night. Next to the small closet was a dresser to hold other things I suppose. On the wall next to the door was a desk with a comfy chair where I saw my backpack sitting on top of it. I guess Tyler must have put it there before he left my room last night.

This room is really nice, and this bed is really comfy. I glanced towards the window to my surprise seeing it was bright outside. I tend to wake up around sunrise, which is around 7 am this time of year. Damn, I must have really been out of it yesterday.

I can't help but wonder if what Tyler said yesterday was true. I mean was I truly safe here? Would he really not hurt me? Or was that all said just to calm me down? He also mentioned our sad excuse of parents. Did he figure out that after he left they got worse? God I don't want to think about this crap.

I glance again over to the nightstand noticing a small clock. It's only around 8:30 am so I'm not sure if Oliver is up yet. Yesterday Tyler said he would be the only one around this morning so I would have to hope he's actually up. I don't really feel like awkwardly waiting for him to wake up in order to see what food I can eat or not. I've never really been allowed to take food without permission, and I didn't feel like testing it in case Oliver had a different ideas from Tyler on how to 'discipline' and 'punish' me. Besides Tyler never went over rules, they might be ridiculous. Either way even if he wasn't lying and doesn't plan on hurting me physically he can still make my life hell in other ways.

I sighed slowly making my way out of bed. I dangled my feet over the edge of the bed letting them touch the soft carpet before standing up. I make my way over to my backpack pulling out my clothes before quickly changing.

I slipped out of my room and into the bathroom quietly, noticing Oliver sitting at the counter on his computer. I quickly get ready before preparing myself to meet him. It's going to be fine I tell myself to try to calm my nerves. If he gives me shit it's not like I can't just run away. It shouldn't be too hard... hopefully.

I make my way out of the bathroom and down the hall not minding how much sound I make as  I want Oliver to notice me this time. I get to the end of the hall and lean slightly against the archway. Oliver looks up in my direction before slightly smiling.

"Hi Alex, It's nice to meet you. I'm Oliver as I assume you already know" he says to me from the counter.

I give him an awkward look as I tighten my lips into a line. I really don't even know what to say nor do I want to bother. Unlike Tyler though, his smile doesn't flatten when don't reply as he hopes I would. As our silence grows longer my stomach ruins it by grumbling. I mean I hadn't eaten practically anything yesterday so it does make sense but damn man didn't need to betray me like that!

Oliver let out a slight chuckle "It seems you're hungry. Anything you want to eat in particular, I swear I have ingredients to make practically anything in this kitchen"

I smiled slightly at this offer. It's honestly been so long since someone made the food I wanted. I thought for a moment about what to request before coming to an answer.

"Could you make eggs in a basket with fried ham?" I ask him with a smile creeping to my face.

I mean I know I could ask anything, like pancakes, waffles, even other fancier things I probably couldn't imagine. But one of my  favorites is eggs in a basket, and fried ham is just the best. I haven't had it in so long. 

I see his face light up with excitement."Ha! Finally, someone else in the house likes eggs! Tyler is such a weirdo with them. He always says they make him gag. Anyway yes can definitely make it, '' he says while laughing.

I can't help but smile at Oliver's antics. I think I'm going to like him. Although I can't help but feel slightly upset that I never even knew Tyler hated eggs. Honestly, when we were kids any food we could get our hands on we would eat, it didn't matter what it was. It was better to gag the food down then to starve for a day or two. Even when it wasn't a matter of how poor we were Mitch would always punish us for not eating everything he gave us. Maybe if we were normal kids I would have known this stuff about him. 

I distract myself from my thoughts by watching Oliver scramble through the kitchen grabbing everything he needs. I take note of where he grabs the plate and utensils in case I'll need that information later. We sit in a calm silence for a few minutes before he places the eggs in front of me.

I start to eat as Oliver is cleaning up the kitchen. Damn, these eggs are good, maybe it's just the fact I haven't had them in a while but I can't help but think it's definitely his chef's side peeking through.

"We were thinking that you might want to go get some more clothes and things for school today?" Oliver questions, breaking the silence.

Do they actually want to buy me things? Well, that's a first. I don't really know how to respond, causing there to be a weird silence between us. I examine Oliver further, realizing he has a hearing aid on one side of his ear.

I guess he sees me staring as he gives me a questioning look before realizing it. "Oh my hearing aid?" he asks, I give him a slight nod before he continues "My mom was a pretty big jerk when I came out. She ended up rupturing my ear drum which caused me to have some hearing loss. It's alright now though. My aunt and uncle took me in shortly after," he said with a sad smile.

"Oh. I'm sorry, I really shouldn't have stared as well." I responded to his explanation

God I really shouldn't have. It's not right to bring up sensitive topics, especially with people you just met. I should be happy he's as nice as he is because most people would probably hate me for it. 

"Anyway, shopping, are you alright to go?" Oliver changed the subject I gave him a slight nod with a hum indicating I'd go. I finish up my eggs as Oliver heads into the bathroom which I presume to get ready to go.

This is definitely a change of pace from my past homes, it's nice. I just hope it lasts and they truly do act like this daily. 


"Just take any step, whether small or large. And then another and repeat day after day. It may take months, maybe years, but the path to success will become clear" - Aaron Ross

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