New Beginnings

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The doors of the police station swing open and closed as people walk through. One after one, each with their own life, own problems, own secrets. Sometimes it's odd to think each person has their own internal monologue. Never the less here I am among all these people waiting in the criminally uncomfortable police lobby chairs for my impending doom to walk right through those swinging police doors.

Speaking of the devil here he comes. My oh so wonderful social worker Mike. Pfft, who am I kidding, anyone with a brain would be able to tell I'm nothing more then a thorn in his side.

"Sofia" he all but states to me

Damn nothing but serious. Would be nice if he could at least get my name right. No matter how many times I remind this guy he never uses my name. Sofia is the name my mom gave me, and I want nothing to do with it. So for what feels like the millionth time I once again tell him "Alex"

"Do you really think this is an appropriate time for that"

"Do you think it's right to use wrongful names?"

"Just come on back Alex" putting emphasis on the Alex he continues "we need to discus your new living situation seeing you've run away, again" damn that man really loves his emphasis, first my name now again, what else will he say. I'm so intrigued, note the emphasis on the so.


Unfortunately the chairs in the private rooms aren't much comfier, but it's better than the others I suppose. 

I hear slight coughs in order to draw my attention to Mike where I see him staring at me. If we were in a movie I swear lasers would be coming out of his eyes right now.  

"Do I even want to ask why you ran away from this foster home?" 

Damn try to act more annoyed. Besides, he already knows, I called him telling him what trash bags these new people were and he didn't care. Sometimes you just need to take things into your own hands is all.

"I'm taking that as a no?" Damn guess I took too long to reply didn't care to talk about it again anyway

"Alex, I'm going to make you a new deal. When we first were settling your guardianship arrangements we allowed you to stay at a foster home instead of with your brother, but it's clear you aren't taking this offer seriously. So you have one last chance, one last foster home. Unless something is seriously wrong with this one you won't be leaving. If you screw this one up we are calling him"

Is he being fucking serious? What a dick, I already told him Tyler hates my guts. He will never be my brother. The only thing we share is the same mother. He left me all alone and hasn't even contacted me for the past 4 years. He's never cared for me, why the hell would that change now?

"Fine call him, do it now even. I promise you he won't want me. And then you'll have nothing to hold against me" I challenge him.

Haha, the shocked look on his face always gets me. No matter how hard he tries to look intimidating and serious I always get that dumb expression to come to his face. He reminds me of the shocked pikachu face.

"Are you sure? If he says yes he officially has guardianship?" 

"Did you hear me? I told you he won't want me, so get along with it would ya?"

If there was one thing I could relay on in this world it was that Tyler hates my guts. Besides, I love knocking down Mikes confidence a few pegs, that man always cracks me up.

"If you say so. Go back to the waiting room until I'm done calling him"

With a shrug I got up and went back to those damn awful chairs


One word, B-O-R-I-N-G. There is nothing to do but twiddle your thumbs and swing you legs. I mean sure I had my phone but it's pretty busted from when my old foster "dad" bashed it on the floor, so it's not quiet usable right now. What's taking so long anyway? Maybe Tyler wasn't answering his phone or something.

Oh here Mike comes, first time I'm happy to see this guy. Yet as soon as I see his grin I know I wasn't going to like this news.


"Our greatest joy and our greatest pain come in our relationships with others" - Stephen R. Covey

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