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Sof-, Alex and I slowly walk back to the apartment. For some reason this stupid building only has 1 elevator, and my apartment happens to be on the other side of the complex. 

I stare down at Alex as she half zones out. I can't say shes acting like I expected her to. Sure I understood she might be cold to me but I wasn't expecting her for a lack of better words, be so harsh? I guess 4 years can do a lot to someone, I mean I'm a prime example of that theory.  I just can't help but wonder if she would be closer to the Alex I once knew if I was there for her during those years.

Alex has been so on edge it's starting to get slightly worrisome. I see the way she flinched every time I get close to her, and how she is analyzing everything around her constantly. As much as it might hurt I hope it's only because shes with me, rather than her always being this skeptical.

Tomorrow when I get home from work I should get her a new phone, it won't be the greatest and newest but she definitely needs one. I wonder if she was even sleeping in the car, I mean she was faking listening to music seeing how destroyed her phone was. I wonder what even happened to that thing, but for some  reason I don't think she was the one who destroyed it. 

I need to keep a closer eye on her than I thought originally but that's alright. I'm willing to make this work no matter how much effort I have to put in. I truly owe it to her, not only because of how badly I've treated her but because shes the only blood family I have. The whole blood is thicker then water quote is always so stupid, no one even says the full quote "The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb".  I mean the quote literally means the opposite of what people portray it to be. Even so, blood family can be chosen as well, and Alex is the only blood family I choose to have, and that means a lot to me. 

Speaking of family I have to wonder what happened to Mitch. I would assume he is dead seeing as Alex is living with me rather then the asshole of a bio father, which I'm grateful for. I'll have to  ask her at some point, seeing as Mike never told me anything about Mitch. 

As we near the apartment I keep a close eye on her. I keep making slight glances to make sure she's alright. When we get home I should show her- 


I walked into a wall. A god damn wall. I saw Alex look at me dumb founded at first before cracking up. 

"How the hell did you crash into a wall" she said between laughs while catching her breath. 

I  glare down at her before smiling, as much as my head hurts right now from banging it into that stupid wall its worth it if it makes her happy.  I'm glad to see her smile and laugh, this is the  first time shes let her guard down at all around me.

Alex looks up at me seeing the smile on my face, causing her expression to change rather quickly. She went from smiling into scowling, before quickly looking away from me and kept walking down the hall after turning to the left. 

"The apartment is this way!" I call down the hall as I point to the right.

She stops in her tracks for a few good seconds before quickly turning around and walking back this times towards the right like nothing happened. I followed slowly behind her to give her some space. Shes been stuck in that police station since at least 11 am when I got that call, and I wasn't able to pick her up until around 9 pm making it just past 11 pm now.

"305 I our apartment" I tell her as we are getting pretty close. 

She stops in front of the door  just ahead waiting for me to unlock it.  I walk up to the door and look through my pockets for the keys. As my hand hits the cool metal I take it out and twirl it in my fingers.

"Whenever you feel ready we can go in" I tell her putting the key into her hand. 

I want to be able to give her options, especially with how overwhelming this experience can be. I mean no matter what shes going to need to go inside but this way she has more control over this uncontrollable situation. 

I see her chest move as she takes a deep inaudible breath before putting the key in the door and opening it. She swings open the door and takes the first step into what used my apartment, that now has become hers. 


"A home isn't always the house we live in. It's also the people we choose to surround ourselves with" - T.J. Klune

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