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Dear lord if your real make this car ride end, I promise I will praise you forever. It's so boring to fake sleep for hours, I know I did it to myself but still. I feel today has just been one boring blob of waiting. I really need a new phone, although I doubt Tyler will genuinely like me enough  to get me one. Maybe I can pick up a job around here I really don't mind working much.

The car slowly comes to a complete holt and I hear the rumbling of the engine come to an end. That's when I realize we are at Tyler's apartment. Damn maybe the lord is real? Haha nah, we all know I'm a liar, sorry for my promise to worship you.

I feel a set of eyes looking at me, before realizing Tyler was going to try to wake me up. I swear if he touches me I'm going to bite him, well not actually but I'm going to want to. I open my eyes slightly to be able to see in the rear view mirror, only to see Tyler's hand heading towards me. Im gonna puke, this is so gross, he needs to get his crusty hands away from me.

Tyler's hand should have touched my leg to wake me up by now it instead touched the seat. He added pressure to the seat a few times I assume to wake me up. That's actually pretty smart, I wonder what smart person he picked that up from.

"Sofia?" I hushed sweet voice came from Tyler while still moving the seat. Oh crap I actually need to fake waking up. I slowly opened my eyes and pretended to yawn. Honestly it was crap acting but I'm pretty sure it convinced him enough. Also can he stop calling me that? Like did Mike not tell him to call me Alex or is he just being a jerk about it.

"Hey we are at our apartment, take however long you need and when you're ready we can head in. Since you fell asleep so fast I also need to explain some things as we head up". He told me with his yet again sweet voice. Honestly that voice is starting to piss me off. Although I can't help but wonder why he said our apartment, I mean does he see it as my home too or is someone else living with him? 

Not wanting to be near Tyler for any longer than I needed I opened my car door and quickly got out. I then leaned down and grabbed my backpack swinging it over my shoulder yet again. I mean my backpack really isn't that heavy, I don't own much, and the things I do own are mostly clothes and my one stuffed animal I've had since I was a baby. 

Tyler got out of the drivers side and closed the door before heading to the back seat to I assume pick up the stuff I didn't use. I lean against his car while he takes years to get the stuff. Like god damn can you move any slower?

"Read to get going?"he asked with the stuff from the backseat in his hands.

Yeah I'm not responding to that. His sweet act better drop soon because I genuinely can't stand how fake this crap is. I walk towards the apartment doors which seem to lead to a lobby, although this time it seems Tyler knew what I was going to do. Unlike last time where he was forced to slightly trail behind he moved with me.

As we reached the lobby an older women  was working at the desk. There was tons are packages around her as well as a bulletin board behind her saying some apartment news. She also had a door next to the board which I assume leads to a back room.

"Hi Cathy, how are you doing tonight?" Tyler asked the women

"Aw you're always so sweet Tyler, half these people don't even treat me as if I'm here. Im doing good love thank you for asking. Who is this with you?" Cathy asks Tyler 

Cathy seems sweet, unlike Tyler where I'm almost positive it's all an act Cathy has this genuine motherly sweetness coming off of her. I think I'm going to like Cathy. 

"I'm glad your well" he said giving her a slight smile "This is my little sister Sofia, she'll be living with us from now on"

His what? He's never called me his sister, literally never. I mean I would say he's trying to make it easier to explain but he's never cared about that in the past. Also he said us, meaning he either has a roommate or girlfriend. I really hope it's a girlfriend, if he has a roommate they likely have separate rooms and most apartments usually only have 2 rooms. I really don't feel like sleeping  on a fold out couch again, yet alone just a couch for the next few coming years. Those were not a few good months for me, although it definitely beats sleeping on the floor which i'm sad to admit i've had to do more then once. 

"Oh I see! Nice to meet you Sofia, I hope you have an easy time settling in" Cathy said breaking me out of my thoughts. I give her a small genuine smile as she reaches out for me to shake her hand. I shake her hand, while glancing over at Tyler who seems almost sad, wonder why.

"Tyler I'm assuming you will be needing to get some forums for another key and resident of your apartment?" Cathy turned her attention to Tyler 

"Yes thank you Cathy that would be great" he responded to her

Cathy scurried off into the back room to get the paper leaving now and Tyler to stand in an uncomfortable silence for a few minutes. Before she returned rather quickly with the papers.

"Well I'll be letting you kids get going just return these to me by the end of the week" Cathy told us both.


Once we are in the elevator Tyler starts to speak again with "I need to explain who I'm living with, and I will not take disrespect on this topic or them or so help me your never getting your phone back. Is that understood?"

Is that really what he's threatening me with? My phone? That crap doesn't even work he can have it if he wants. But in all seriousness would he really not threaten to hit me for whatever is this important to him?

"Sofia, I said is that understood?"

"Yeah yeah whatever, I get it no disrespect"

"Do you want me to take your phone?"

Yeah that's a bold bluff too bad for him that I love screwing with bluffs. People think they are all high and mighty and when they are called out it's honestly hilarious. It's why I loved screwing Mike so much, he always had a bluff to call out. 

"Take it, it hasn't worked the past few months anyway" I said pulling the broken phone out of my pocket and gesturing it towards him.

He stood there stunned just like I thought he would, honestly it's hilarious. Unfortunately the ding indicating we got to our floor broke him out of his shocked state that was so funny to see. I walked out of the elevator and leaned against the wall as Tyler got out. 

"I would have gotten you a new phone on the way here if you told me you needed one" Tyler looked at me sadly. 

He started to slowly walk down the hall till we got to a small alcove with a window. He slid down the wall and sat on the floor patting the floor next to him inducting I should sit. Yeah no way I'm sitting on that nasty floor, nor be in a position where I can't run easily. So instead of sitting and simply leaned against the wall.

"Sofia I understa-" Tyler started but I cut him off.

"Stop calling me that. I don't know if you're just purposely being a jerk or Mike didn't tell you but my names Alex. I don't appreciate having to do anything with that awful name Lauren gave me" 

"Im sorry Alex, I truly didn't know, it might be hard to change from saying your old name but I'll try my best"

I scoffed at him, I really wish he just dropped with damn act. He looked at me slightly hurt before starting to talk again

"I wanted to talk about who I live with, is that alright?"

Yeah I know I have no real option in that question. So instead of answering I just half nodded which caused him to immediately talk again.

"I live with my boyfriend Oliver" he pauses I suppose to let it set in. I mean honestly it's not what I expected but I don't really care who you like. If it's not hurting me why the hell do I care what people do with their lives. After his long pause Tyler starts to talk again "Are you okay with that?"

"Why wouldn't I be?" 

He looks at me with an expression I can't distinguish, I can't tell if it's happy or sad and quiet frankly I don't care enough. 

"Let's head home alright?"



" A house is made with walls and beams; a home is built with love and dreams." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

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