Never Truly Lost

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"Tyler" my boyfriend whines my name

"Oliver" I whine back mimicking his tone

He gives me a slight scowl before laughing his head off.  He seriously can never make up his mind on his emotions, I love him though so it's alright.

As I'm about to get up to join my annoying boyfriend on the couch of our 2 bedroom apartment, the buzzing of my phone brings both mine and Oliver's attention away from the couch. 

" plan on picking that up or..." Oliver says breaking my frozen state

"Yeah, yeah I'll get it"  slightly annoyed I change my direction from heading to the couch to the counter where my phone is charging. I pick it up to see who's calling and see it's form an unknown number. Nope, I ain't picking up, if it's important they'll call back and/or leave a voice mail.

"Unknown number" I tell Oliver heading to sit back down as the ringing finally stops. Yet only a second later it starts again. 

All this walking back and forth is bound to kill me. I wear a scowl on my face which makes Oliver start to crack up again. I'm glad one of us can enjoy my misery. I suppose the phone call was important though. I pick up the phone and put it on speaker, I hate holding the damn thing to my ear, it's so much work. Besides I don't mind if Oliver hears my calls, if it's something I don't want him hearing I just go to another room.

 "Hello, who am I speaking to?" I tell the phone starting our conversation

"Hi, my names Mike. I am calling on behalf of the Pennsylvania child protective services office, am I speaking to Tyler Parker?"

Oliver and I both look at each other in pure confusion. Guess he doesn't know what this could be about either. What could they even be calling about, I have no children of my own nor staying in my care, nor does Oliver as far as I'm aware. 

"Are you still there" I look down at my phone which the voice is coming through. I quickly relocate my thoughts and focus my attention back on this call.

"Yes sir, this is Tyler Parker however I think there may be a confusion. I do not have any children myself nor any under my care"

"I'm actually calling regarding your sister, Sofia. She currently needs a new guardian and we were wondering if you would take her in" 

I feel my body freeze, the whole world stopped when those words were said. I look over at Oliver who mouths to me "I'm fine if you take her" while nodding his head.  That's all I needed to respond to the man on the phone. As long as Oliver was comfortable there wasn't a need for further conversation just yet.

"Yeah, of course, I'll take her in. What happened? How long has she been waiting? Is she alright?" I all but spew the questions at the poor man

"She's alright, she hasn't been waiting here too long. As for the first question your mother died about a year ago. Sofia was able to choose whether she wanted to go into the system or immediate family, that being you. I think you can see how that went, however after the last foster home didn't work out she has chosen to stay with you.

She what. She choose not to call me? Did I really fuck up that bad while I was in her life? Did she think I wouldn't want her? Of course she did dumb ass you were always a dick to her. But really she wouldn't even call me. God I'm a awful person, god damn fucking awful.

I feel Oliver coming up behind me and taking me into a side hug. He passes me the box of tissues that sits on our counter. Only then do I realize I've been crying. I grab a tissue and start to wipe my face as Oliver takes over the phone call.

"Hi sir, I'm Oliver Moore, Tyler's boyfriend. He's a little shaken up right now but you are on speaker, is it alright if I continue this conversation with him next to me? If not can Tyler call you back in a few?" 

"We can continue, it's understandable how this news might be quite rattling"

"I guess first I should ask when and where should be pick her up? Do any and what procedures need to be followed?"

"I'll send you over the address in a text after this call ends. For when, as soon as possible would be the best. Involving procedures Tyler will have to sign some paper work when he comes down and we can explain the rest once your here"

"Thank you"

"Of course. Tell Tyler I'll see him soon."

The beep of the phone indicates to me the call has ended. I feel Oliver start to guide us over to the couch then slowly sitting down with me. I feel the slight kiss on forehead while his arms wrap around my body surrounding me in a hug.

"It's all going to work out love" he whispers in my ear. I slowly feel myself relax in his arms as he counties to quietly reassure me. 


"When it hurts—observe. Life is trying to teach you something." Anita Krizzan

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