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•Harry's pov•

Two days. Two days before we go back to Hogwarts for an eighth year. I wasn't quite sure how to feel. Ron and Mione were going to be with me, so deep down I knew I was okay. I knew no matter what happened it couldn't get much worse than what had already happened.

Today though, the three of us were meeting up with Malfoy and his friends. I was a bit uneasy, but he had sent us all three a letter explaining he had a lot to say. I picked up the letter looking over it once more, to reassure myself this was a good idea.

Dear Potter.. Harry?

I'm not sure how to start this, or what it's even going to contain. I'm not even expecting you to read the bloody thing so I'll try to make this as quick as I can.

I hope you're doing well after... well everything. My condolences to you, for everyone you've lost. I truly hope you're doing ok Potter.. I have written three letters, one to you, Hermione, and Ron. I hope to meet with the three of you, along with Pansy and Blaise two days before we return to Hogwarts, half past noon, at the three broomsticks.

I understand if you don't want to. I cannot force you to meet up with me or even be nice to me. I've got a lot to say and so do Pansy and Blaise. We will again understand if this isn't something you're okay with. Me and my father have caused a lot of pain in so many people's lives, if it weren't for you I'd be rotting away in Azkaban like I probably deserved.

I will keep this short, and simple. If you're okay with meeting just send me a quick owl, and if you read this far then thank you for giving me your time.

Hope to see you soon, Scarhead.

Sincerely, D.M.

It was odd for sure, seeing him being so nice in the letter. I didn't trust it at first, but Ron and Hermione actually talked me into it. Ron said that he was bloody awful to Hermione the first year, but that now he can't imagine life without her. She agreed and said if she'd never gotten past the grudge, the golden trio would never have been friends.

Though I did agree, I was still uneasy. Some of the stuff Malfoy did wasn't worth just "forgetting" for friendship. A friendship I wasn't even sure I wanted to be honest. I wasn't willing to put myself in any more danger. I just want a normal year at Hogwarts, but my friends for whatever reason seem to want to hear Malfoy out. I will too.

Once I was ready, I apparated to the burrow. I walked slowly to the door, nervous as ever. Of course Ginny was the one who opened the door. "Harry!" She said giving me a quick hug which I gladly returned, before following her into the house. I'm glad me and Ginny were able to remain friends, after the war we decided to separate. Both of us were dealing with a lot, and we honestly just thought we were better as friends. She means a lot to me, but it felt as though we were simply pressured into being together by the media and neither of us liked that.

Molly hugged me, welcoming me into the home, and soon I was being basically tackled by George, Ron, and Hermione. I smiled, hugging them all back. "Hello everyone." I said softly. I hadn't been much of a talker since the war, or affectionate really. I really didn't enjoy it much anymore, but I always enjoyed the Weasley crew, and Hermione of course. Really they're all I had left in this seemingly empty world.

I sat down for a bit, making small talk with Mione about what classes I decided to take to finish off my education. We started talking about the future. "Are you going to take up the Ministry's offer and become an Auror?" Hermione asked gently, not wanting to trigger anything. Sometimes I didn't know what I hated more, the fact that they tiptoed around me to protect me, or the fact that I needed them to.

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