~ Chap 12 - Scars and Bruises ~

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heheh I have big plans for this chapter..

Anyways this chapter will contain: Angst, Self Harm, Hanging, and a LOT of Stuttering haha-

( also, this chapter is KIND OF inspired by a different chapter similar to this in a different book. I don't remember which one, but the idea is not completely mine. Though, I did change it a bit.)


( 7+ days after the dance )


Dad has been hanging out with Figure almost every second of the day sense the dance.. does dad not want me anymore? I don't want to lose dad!

I know I wanted to get dad and Figure closer.. but now I feel like Figure is taking dad away from me! I never get to hang out with dad, or even see him anymore! He's always hanging out with that fleshy entity and I'm getting sick of it.

I need to get dad back..

And I have the perfect plan.


I tried to do some fake tears, which I was obviously great at. And once I did, I immediately ran up to hide.

" H-hide! " I stuttered.

" Awh, what's wrong, kiddo? " ( oh frick I forgot if hide was a girl or boy in my au omg. Okay I forgot so now she is gonna be a girl, even if she was a boy earlier Iabsjakjandhd ) She asked, and bent down to my level.

" I-I saw F-Figure with a-another entity! " I cried.

" WHAT? " Hide yelled.

" I c-couldn't see who, but h-he was k-k..kissing them! " I sobbed.

" Figure would never do that! " Hide said. " Would he..? "

" He w-was in the c-..courtyard with another one of us! I saw it!! " I said.

" Does Seek know this? " She asked me.

" N-no.. "

" Then we need to tell him. " She said, as she held on to one of my tentacles to Seek's room.

" N-NO! " I yelled, as she stopped.

" Why? " She asked.

" B-because... I don't want h-his feelings to get hurt! " I said, wiping my fake tears.

She sighed.

" Can we tell the o-others first? " I asked.

" Fine. " She said, as we walked to the group of others.

Everyone was there, except for dad and Figure. They were all on the couch, watching TV.

" Hey, guys? " Hide began. " I think we have a problem. "

" What is it, Hide? " Jack asked.

" Go on, Screech. Tell them. " Hide told me.

I hesitated for a second. I didn't realize that she was expecting me to tell them.

" U-uh.. I saw Figure kissing another e-entity, but I didn't see who!! " I lied.

" WHAT? " Rush yelled.

" There's no way Figure would do that. He's the most kind and generous entity out of us all! " Glitch said.

" That's what I thought, too. " Hide said.

" Do you have proof? " Halt asked.

" N-no.. I ran to Hide quickly after I saw it! " I responded. " But I promise it happened! I w-wouldn't lie about something like this! "

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