~ Chap 5 - A Tradition? ~

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It was kinda getting overwhelming talking to everyone. I can't hear Seek's heartbeat anymore.. is that because I hear so many other heartbeats? Or did he leave? Everyone is talking to me, asking me so many questions. It's starting to give me a headache..

Rush: So.. how did Seek find you?

Halt: How long have you been here?

Eyes: Have you ever been out of the library until now?

Ambush: What's it like in the library?

Jack: What does the library look like?

Timothy: Do you ever get bored in the library?

This is too much for me to handle. I can't concentrate on a single thing! They're so close to me, it's so loud.. I was starting to slightly panic. Until Screech saved me from this mess.

Screech: Guys! Can't you tell he can't answer every question at once? Plus, he has sensitive hearing! Just look at him!

I could tell that everyone's eyes looked from Screech to me. I felt them staring, I think they could tell I was overwhelmed.

Rush: Aha.. sorry. I just haven't seen a new entity in a while.

Timothy: Yeah, same. I'm sorry Figure.

Everyone started apologizing. I kinda felt better.

" It's alright guys, but I think I'm gonna go back to the library. Can someone lead me to door 50 please? " I asked politely.

I'm pretty sure everyone volunteered. 

" Uh, is Seek still here? " I asked. Hoping he was.

Rush: Nope. I saw him leave a while ago.

Oh.. I wonder why.. I hope he's okay.

" Ah, well. Uh, Rush can you bring me back please? " I asked politely.

" Sure. Door 50, correct? " a voice rang. I could only assume it was Rush.

" Yes. But it was nice meeting you guys. I'll see you later! " I waved in their direction before walking out with Rush.

" So.. do you think I can tour the library when we get there? " Rush asked me.

" Go for it. " I responded.

We talked about random stuff for the rest of the way there. It was nice. Rush was a really cool dude.

When we got there, I opened the doors to show him the library. He gasped, so I knew he was surprised.

" This place is so cool! If only I knew it existed earlier! " I heard him say, he was excited.

I smiled. I was happy that other entities didn't think it was outdated. 

I sat down at my desk as I heard him tour the library. Then I heard something slide.

" Hey, Figure? " He asked me.

" Yes? " I got up and followed the noise.

" What's this room? " I heard him ask me.

I realized it was where my bedroom was.

" Oh! That's my bedroom. Seek made that for me yesterday! Isn't he sweet? " I responded with enthusiasm. I kind of felt my face warm up too.

" Cool! Wait. Did you say he was " sweet "? " I heard him chuckle.

" ..Yeah? " I asked, still not getting it.

He giggled a bit.

" Do you like him? " He asked me. I felt my face warming up immediately. I think he noticed.

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