~ Chap 3 - The Meeting ~

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The eyes on my walls were already half asleep, you could easily tell by their constant blinking and eye opening or shutting. I guess I should get some shut eye too, it was pretty late. But I still gotta think of ideas for the next meeting. 

I got up, grabbed a piece of paper and a pencil, and sat back down on my bed. I started brainstorming ideas for the next meeting on how to kill more humans.

" Maybe I can rest more? No.. erm. Maybe I can try to.. uh.. oh! Maybe I can try those uh, vitamin thingy's that the humans always have! They seem to go way faster after they eat them.. maybe it could work for me too? Then I would be extremely fast. " I say out loud.

I wrote that down. It sounded perfect for me. But I need more ideas, I can't just come up with one and expect everyone to praise me for it. Hm. I'll think of some tomorrow, the meeting is tomorrow afternoon anyways. 

I put my pencil and paper to the side, and I headed to sleep.


I woke up earlier than usual. Not sure why, I guess I just wasn't that tired. I got out of bed and headed down to the main room. I was the only one there, sense the other entities usually wake up around 7:00 or 7:30 AM.

 I walked over and grabbed some snacks from the snack cabinet, I sat down at a table and started eating. The snacks were pretty good, but nothing new.

After I finished I decided to go see if Figure was awake, it took me 15 minutes to finish my snacks because I'm a really slow eater.

 I walked down to the library, peeking through the big bronze doors to see if Figure was awake. Surprisingly, I saw him reading a braille book at his desk. He seemed to have heard me because he got up and walked over quickly. 

" Seek? " Figure asked me. 

" Yup, hello! " I responded.

He pulled me into a hug, which I did not expect. My face felt warm for a few seconds before he let go. 

" Hah, sorry. I'm just not use to having friends. " Figure apologized.

" N-no, it's al-alright! " I stuttered. God dang it Seek!

After a few seconds of silence, I tried to bring up a conversation. 

" I saw you reading a book when I came in here, what's it about? " I asked, quickly.

" Oh! It's a romance novel. It's actually pretty cool! I found it on the ground earlier. " He responded.

" That's really cool. Say, did you get any sleep last night? Just wondering, sense I saw you up early. " I asked, I was really curious.

" Ah, not really. I don't have a bed, so I have to use the couch. And believe me when I say, it's REALLY uncomfortable. " He chuckled.

I admired him for a second before taking in what he said. And an idea sparked in my mind.

" Oh! I have an idea. What if I can help you make a secret room for your bed and belongings can go? Like a bedroom, just for you! " I requested. I thought it was a great idea.

" Really? You would do that? Yes please!! I always wanted a bed. I just never had the time or knowledge to get or build one. I'm blind, after all. " Figure said, he sounded excited.

" Yeah! I know how to build easily. I built my underground room too! So, let's get started! "

We planned out where the secret room was going to be. We agreed behind a bookshelf. I went to get my tools and told him to wait there, when I got back we got to work. Figure sadly couldn't help much, he just explained what he wanted it to look like or what layout he wanted. Which was understandable. He was blind, so if I gave him a random layout he wouldn't know where anything is.

It was 5:15 pm when we finished. We did take 2 hour breaks between tho, so we wouldn't be exhausted. Figure seemed to really like his room tho. He had blue walls, a lot of bookshelves with braille books, a comfy bed, a carpet, a desk, and a lamp. I was proud of myself for finishing. 

Not too long after we finished, it was time for the meeting. Figure didn't want to go tho, which makes sense. He didn't know anyone but me here, so I didn't force him to go.

I walked down to the meeting room, everyone was already there. I wasn't late tho, they were just starting.

" Sorry I'm late! " I said, walking in.

GL: You're fine, we were just starting.

When I walked in, I realized I forgotten my paper.. and to write more ideas down! I was so mad at myself. I was basically praying that they would not ask me if I had any ideas. To make it even worse, Shadow and Void was there at the end of the table.

GL: So, have any of you guys came up with ideas? 

Everyone raised their hand, except me, Shadow and Void. I felt so embarrassed.

GL: Seek? Did you not think of any? 

Seek: Ah.. I was really busy today. But I thought of one, but I think it'll only work for me.. 

GL: Go on.

Seek: Well, I thought that I could maybe use vitamins during my chase? Like those things that humans use. I'm a good runner, but the vitamins make you go faster. I'm pretty sure it will work for me too.

I spat that out quickly, i'm actually proud of myself for not stuttering.

GL: Huh, that's something we will consider. 

GL: Anyone else? Ah, yes, Rush. What's your idea?

Rush: Well, me, Hide, and Jack all make up a plan. Well, sorta a plan. We though that Shadow or Void could maybe raise Jack's spawn chance or Hide's push out time?.. 

Rush got quiet at the end of the sentence. We all knew because of Void and Shadow. They were always rude to us, strict and bossy. So everyone was basically afraid of them.

Void and Shadow leaned back in their chairs, clearly thinking.

Shadow: What do you think, Void? It could work.

Void: Maybe. We'll take it into consideration. 

The meeting continued after that, not much happening. Everyone had good ideas but Shadow and Void mostly pushed the ideas off to the side. If they were going to do that, why hold the meeting anyways?

Man, I just wanted to get back to Figure. This was soo boring! I wanted to see how he was adjusting to his new room. But I guess that'll have to wait.


Thanks for reading this chapter! I really enjoy writing stories, even if not much people read them. But I've been such a sucker for this ship recently! I'll try to get another chapter posted soon. Latest will be Thursday! ( Thursday is the last day of school until summer for me! ). But anyways, have an amazing week!

1179 Words.


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