Chapter 21 | Team Fighting Mechanics I

Start from the beginning


{Vanesy Glory POV}

'There are certainly some interesting individuals amongst them... although it seems some are just straight up monsters.'

I thought amusedly as I silently observed the batch of students gathered outside of the TFM(Team Fighting Mechanics) battle grounds, paying extra attention to the two students who had somehow sensed my presence.

'Let's see... first theirs our Rank 1 - Arthur Leywin, and second there's Rank 2 - Phaera Heathcliff. They're better than I expected.'

Not only had the two somehow detected my presence, but they also cloaked themselves with mana in such a way that they seemed invisible to the surrounding students.

'If not for the fact that I'm outside the range of their spell, I'm afraid that even I wouldn't have noticed them... this is going to be fun~'

And without another thought, I signed to my bond to fly down towards the students, smirking as I prepared my grand entrance.


{Arthur POV}

'It seems like she's finally done stalking us...'

I thought to myself as I watched our professor, along with her bond descend upon the group of the students with an amused smirk.



After her bond landed safely on the ground, she swiftly hopped off of it causing a quiet thud to resound throughout the now silent courtyard.

"Welcome student! My name is Vanesy Glory and I am the professor in charge of this year's Team Fighting Mechanics I!"

She placed a hand on her bond.

"And this Flare Hawk is my bond, Torch! Pleasure to meet all of you!"

'An A-rank mana beast as a bond... she's either strong or lucky.'

'I'm stronger~'


Finishing her grand introduction she paused for a second as she looked at the surrounding students' reactions, and just as she looked like she was about to continue with her words, her head snapped in my sister's direction while the person in question flinched in slight pain.

'Seems like Athena tried to check her core stage...'

'And failed.'

Professor Glory locked eyes with my sister for a second before smirking as she approached Athena with an amicable smile before saying.

"Oh, if it isn't my new colleague Miss Athena Leywin! It's a pleasure to meet you~"

And with that one sentence, almost all the students gathered around turned their attention towards my sister as they started to whisper amongst themselves.

"Hey professor, is that really tru..."

As the students started to bicker amongst themselves, I just started to zone out as I let out a tired sigh.


'This is such a pain... I should've just ditched.'

I thought to myself as more and more students started to get worked up in jealousy.

'Weren't you the one who insisted on joining your sister in school? Saying something about how it could be an interesting experience?'

I glared at my bond who yawned lazily as she curled up on my lap and asked.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2023 ⏰

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