Chapter 21 | Team Fighting Mechanics I

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{Athena POV}

"I guess this is it."

I mumbled aloud as I, along with Tessia and Caera, arrived in front of a massive oval shaped building that would be the site for our Team Fighting Mechanics Class.

'Is that an arena?'

I asked myself as I further analyzed the building in front of me, but was stopped halfway through the process by Tessia's voice.

"Hey Athena, where's your brother? He left the cafeteria almost ten minutes before us so there's no way he hasn't arrived, right?"

Hearing the elven princess' question I turned my gaze from the building and took a moment to look at the surrounding students, and sure enough, my brother was nowhere to be seen.

"I'm not sure, but given the number of students present it's possible that he's just hiding amongst the crowd."

Hearing my words, both of the student council members developed skeptical looks and after a moment, Caera spoke up.

"Maybe a normal person could blend in, but I don't think that anyone with Arthur's looks could reasonably hide amongst regular people."

And hearing her sound reasoning, I just shrugged as I said.

"Whether he's here or not doesn't matter. Knowing Arthur, he'll at least arrive before class starts, and if he doesn't he'll likely have a good reason for not showing up."

At my words, Tessia looked like she had something more to say but before she could speak she was cut off by a familiar voice.

"Oh, Athena? I didn't expect to see you in an upper division class!"


{Cynthia Goodsky POV}

"So the supposed rank 1 and 2 are in the same upper-division classes. It'll be interesting to see how that plays out, don't you think, Avier?"

Hearing my question, the emerald green owl who was perched on my window gave a quiet nod before speaking through our bond.

"Although you may find the interactions of those children interesting, just the fact that two monsters of their caliber even exist is frightening. And even that's without considering the possibility of them being placed together in a conflict ridden environment."

As I started feeling his worry leak through our bond, I put down my papers and turned my gaze towards him.

"It's almost as if you're giving me a warning to keep them apart."

Avier turned his golden eyes in my direction.

'It's not a warning, just an observation. Those two are far more similar than they may seem in the sense that they think things will always go their way, so once they finally meet, conflict is bound to break out between them because of their opposing goals.'

I turned my gaze down towards the two separate files on my desk that contained the information on the two and asked.

"Should I have prevented them from meeting?"

Avier just stood silently for a moment before responding in a tired tone.

'No, I'm sure they would've met eventually. You were just speeding up a process that would have otherwise taken months, and if we consider Alacrya's impending threat. Your actions might've given Dicathen a sliver of hope they would otherwise lack.'

And without another word, Avier left, likely going somewhere secluded so he could gather his thoughts.

'Arthur Leywin... what are you?'

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2023 ⏰

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