Chapter 13 | Daughter and Kathlyn

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{Timeskip - three months}

{Elenoir POV}

"Hey Eli sweetie?"


Looking up from the now set table, I heard my mother call my name prompting me to look towards her as she brought a warm pan of soup into the dinning room.

"Could you please go wake up the twins while I finish getting breakfast ready?"


Hearing her question I felt an evil grin appear on my lips before disappearing and I gave my mom an excited response as I headed towards the stairs.

"Just don't be too aggressive!"

My mother warned me, causing me to wave my hand dismissively.

"No promises!"


As I arrived in front of their bedroom door I made sure to carefully open the door so as to not wake them up, and then looked around the room at my victims.

Usually, I wouldn't have to be careful at all when waking Athena up because anything less the physical pain will only send her into a deeper sleep, but because of the fact that Arthur, who usually wakes up before me is asleep, I had to stay quiet so as to not ruin my fun.

'Now who should I get firs-'

My thoughts were cut off when I heard the bathroom door to my right open up.

'Wait, who?'

I had already confirmed that there was someone in both Athena and Arthur's bed, so unless there was a third person in here then that ment...

'An intruder!'

Without another thought I quickly sent the strongest kick I could muster in the intruder's direction, hoping to immobilize it so I had time to run.

"Ummm? What are you doing?"

As my kick reached the supposed intruder I felt my ankle get caught, shortly followed by an unfamiliar voice.

"W-who are y-yo- !!!"

Turning in the direction of the intruder I was about to question it but upon seeing its figure, I froze.


I whispered under my breath, looking at the figure before me. Personally, I prided myself on my above average looks that I had inherited from my mom, but seeing the young girl who stood before me, all the arrogance that I had built up through the past few years immediately ceased to exist.

The girl was young, probably around my age and had long golden blonde hair that hung down to her waist. As I continued to look at her, I noticed that she also had equally, if not more beautiful eyes, which glowed with a blinding golden radiance.

'S-she's so cute!!!'

Completely ignoring the fact that she was a home intruder I immediately had the urge to hug the adorable girl in front of me.

'Wait Elenoir, remember that she doesn't live here, she's a mysterious stranger who could be dangerou-'

"Hey Papa... I think I messed up."

I felt my entire body go cold as I watched the girl turn to my older brother and call him PAPA.



{Arthur POV}

"Hey Papa... I think I messed up."

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