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Y/n pov

"Oh wow"

"Oh wow"

"Oh wow, she's so pretty"

Is all I heard while walking next to teruhashi. Why did I even agree to this.

Teruhashi had invited me to go shopping with her for our school trip. I already have everything I need for the school trip but she kept on insisting and also like always there was a crowd of boys behind her.

"Ooh y/n what's your favorite color" she asked me while looking at the different swimming suits

"My favorite color" I was confused not because she asked but because I don't know what color I prefer

"Yeah do you have one"

"Well I don't know theirs to many colors to chose"

"Ooh how about blue you would look good in blue but then again blue is my color, aha got it here what do you think" she said handing me a purple 2 piece bathing suit

The top piece had ruffles wich if ima be honest it was really pretty, but I am broke

"Yeah it's really pretty but I dont have the money to buy it, I'm broke."

"Nonsense I'll buy it"

"No, no, it's ok I already have one" I tried to stop her but she was already giving it to the cashier.

"Oh wow" I hear the person behind the register say

"How much would it be" teruhashi gave her a smile

"3000 yen" the girl said with a blank face

"nonsense I'll be 2000 yen for the pretty lady" a man suddenly came out from the back. A big smile on his face was splattered like if he was looking at some kind of goddess

"Really omg thank you" teruhashi paid for the bathing suit and then came over to me

"Here you go consider it a gift from me"

As we started walking teruhashi was talking about the trip and how it was gonna be the greatest experience that she would ever have in highschool

What's so great about Okinawa, I've been there a couple of times because my mom would get Business trips all the time and they would always be in Okinawa

"And the beach I can't wait to see the views and omg y/n look"
She snapped me out of my thoughts and pointed a somebody. She pointed at a group of boys and of course like always it was Nedou, kaido, Toritsuka, and saiki. great, I'm to tired for this.

"And is that saiki omg we have to say hi"

"Nooo Nedou is there" I really didn't care about Nedou who I was trying to avoid was Toritsuka. Ever since that day at the cafe I've been trying to avoid him but I have failed a couple of times.

I promise you I will break up with him but now is not the best time

"Oh wow, teruhashi" one of the boys spotted the glowing girl next to me and of course it was kaido

"Hii guys" teruhashi walked up to he boys expecting an "Oh wow" coming from all the boys and just like that they all went "Oh wow" except for one

Teruhashi looked at saiki with a look saying come on saiki your the only one left. It was like if I could read her thoughts

I was holding back a laugh at te expression teruhashi was making but I let out a small giggled.

"What's wrong why are you laughing" teruhashi asked looking kind of annoyed I looked up at her with a smile on my face

"Oh I'm sorry teruhashi, its nothing"

I turned from teruhashi to look at the boys wich they all had a confused look on their faces except for saiki he had a small smile as if he knew why I was laughing.

I gues he does smile


"I'm kinda hungry" I said craving something salty maybe hot to

"Oh yeah what about we go to this ramen shop I know, it really good" Nedou gave me an idea

"Mm udon noodles"

"Udon noodles" everybody Said while looking at me in shok

"Yeah why not, unless you guys don't want to"

"No no yes let's go" Toritsuka said taking my hand and walking infront of everybody taking me to
A place we're they sell all kinds of different noodles soups

Toritsuka knew that I was trying to avoid him and that I was mad at him since I called him by his last name, so he was trying to make me not mad at him.

We got to the place, when we entered their was this lady infront asking how  many we were.
We got seated in our seats as one of the waiters placed down cups of waters for all 6 us. The waiter asked us what we would like to drink and then went to the back to get them

I was so exited to get udon noodles I could almost taste them

"I didn't think you would be the type of person to like udon" I heard someone say next to me, "your always eating sweets I never would of thought"

"Yeah udon noodles have always been my favorite" I turn to see that I was sitting down next to saiki.
For the first time saiki dint have his usual RBF he was smiling.

Now this deserves an Oh wow


"Here you go enjoy"

"Mmm my mouth is watering" I say grabbing my chopsticks ready to eat the noodles infront of me.
I take the first bite of my bowl and it was like there was nothing else in the world except for me and this bowl of noodles

"So what did you buy"

I stop eating to look at the person to my left.
Toritsuka rudely inturputed me and this bowl of noodles.

I finish eating what was on my mouth and answer his question,

"a bathing suit for the trip" I didn't even know he was next to me until right now. I get back to eating my food but I can feel eyes on me, I look to my left and right and then infront
Teruhashi was staring at me. Giving me a nasty look, and then I look to my right wich saiki was sitting down next to me

Come on can't I eat in peace.


Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.


Not gonna lie I'm kinda craving udon noodles now
Bro I mean Come on look at them

Not gonna lie I'm kinda craving udon noodles nowBro I mean Come on look at them

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

Kinda hungry now

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