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Y/n pov

Omg why was it so embarrassing yesterday I mean yeah he's probably cheating on me but then again I'm probably jumping to conclusions. And why did I ask saiki out to go to the movies no no we are going to the movies to see if it's really her as friends yeah what can go wrong right.

"Hey sis" Haku pulled me out of my thoughts calling me from outside my room.

"Not now I'm kinda busy Haku"

"You don't seem busy to me" he said walking inside my room. He stood infront of me, sat down next to me in my bed and then whispered to me "there's this guy with pink hair that looks like cotton candy"

"Whatt he's already here what time is it"

"It 3:55 look" he said pointing at the clock in my room

"Omg why didn't you tell me let's go"

"Hey are you replacing Toritsuka now" he asked while turning around to look at me

"What no who told you that" he smiled at me and then giggled while going down the stairs

I grabbed the things that I was missing and I put them in my purse and then headed downstairs to see my mom and my sister all up on saiki asking him questions about himself

"Hey saiki sorry about them" I said pushing them off of him

"Can't you see your not letting the poor dude breathe"

"Hey bro, why is you hair pink" Haku asked saiki the question that I've always wanted to ask

Curious to know why, we all stayed quiet to hear his answer and Saiki looked down at Haku and answered his question "I don't know I always ask myself that"

Haku stared at saiki in aw "cool" haku said while staring at the boy standing infront of me

"Well I'm ready to go" I said wanting to get out of this situation we were in

Me and saiki walked out the house leaving my sister and mother whispering about who the "boy" might be

"Sorry about them" I spoke first

"Yeah it's nothing to worry about"
We dint speak much on our way to the movies nor did he ask why we were going to the movies. Plus their was this movie that i really wanted to see.

When we got there it was not really packed and at 4:30 we could see the movie that I wanted to see. It was a scary movie about this girl that see somebody get posesed and and she next or something like that

"Ima go get popcorn want any" I asked saiki who was getting the tickets. He just shook his head no and proceeded to do what he was doing.
I went Inside to see if I could find the girl from last time but she wasent here. I got the popcorn and waited for saiki

"Oh saiki I got you a drink cuz I didn't know if you wanted anything" I said handing him his soda

"Thanks here" he handed me my ticket and we went to were the movie was gonna be played. We got sat down in the middle with a clear view of the screen.


When the movie ended I looked to my side to see a startled saiki like if he didn't know it was gonna be a scary movie.

"Did I not tell you it was gonna be a scary movie" I looked at him with a smile.
"No you didn't but that's not why I'm startled, look to your side"
I did as I was told and i saw a Nedou talking to a terrified boy next to him.
"Oh hey buddy oh and l/n, I didn't know you were here"
"Wow you know the movie dint get to scary until now" I said to saiki and he responded by nodding his head yes.
Nendou had been sitting next to me all this time and Kaido had been here to altho right now he looked terrified because of what he had just seen.

"Let's go while they're distracted" saiki said while grabbing my hand and walked out of the theater.

"Wait" I stoped saiki when I notice a Familiar face

"That's her that the girl he was with" saiki turned to see who I was talking about

She was really pretty, she had short brown hair. She was shoter than me actually. I felt saiki grab my hand again and pulled me outside the movie theater.
I just stayed quiet not minding the touch of his hand lost in my own thoughts.
When i snapped out of my thoughts we were in the cafe I work at, he took me inside and we sat down in the Table with the big window with the view from outside.

He didn't say anything we just stayed quiet

"Y/nnn and a boy that i don't know their name, you know Toritsuka is right over there, I'll cover for you tho"

"No, no it's not like that"

"Ok if you say so, so what would you guys like to order."

"Just water for me" saiki ordered first

"I'll take a plain black coffe"

"Alright I'll be back with your order" she walked away from our table and not  long from that Toritsuka noticed us"

"What are you guys doing here" he said sitting down next to me. He looked kinda mad. Neither me or saiki answered his question so he decided to talk again

"I saw you guys walk in holding hands" he said wanting an explanation for why we were holding hands but again we stayed quiet

"If your not gonna tell him i will" saiki was the first one to talk

"Go ahead why would I care"

"Wait y/n are you cheating on me with saiki. Really a plain dude like that"

"Wait what, no I wouldn't date a cotten candy looking dude, but then again I'm dating a creep"

"Oh wow"

"Are you guys gonna keep fighting" saiki interrupted our conversation. Bothered by what I just called him.

"We were just running away from Nedou and Kaido"

"Oh I see" we stayed quiet again. I didnt really want to bring up what I saw yesterday and what just happen in the movies. And surprisingly saiki stayed quiet to.

 And surprisingly saiki stayed quiet to

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Hehe I have plans for the trip to Okinawa

It Was Nice Meeting You. (Saiki. K X Femal Reader)Where stories live. Discover now