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Saiki pov

Teruhashi has been trying to get in to my group for the school trip to Okinawa and I can't let that happen because if I do let her in our group she'll be just a pain like everybody else, and so far I've been doing good.

I guess God is on my side today.

"Eew Nedous group" the girls that ended up getting paired up with us said in disgust

I gues its better than teruhashi group

"If its ok I'll like to change groups with them"
Teruhashi said as if she was doing this to protect Nendou, and all the boy of course were on her side

"Oh wow, teruhashi"

"Can't you see she's protecting Nedou"


God loves her way to much


"I'm not in the mood right now Toritsuka, please just leave me alone"

"Come on just let me explain"

Greate here we go again
I've been trying to avoid this one couple for a while now but i guess I can't run from them.
What are they fighting about now.

"Its the 3rd girl of the day you've flirted with, just pick one alredy"

Toritsuka stayed quite at what y/n had said

"But then again  you can't settle down for one"

"Come on stop getting mad"

"I'm not, it just annoying watching you skip girl to girl" she was totaly mad

"Stop, you know I like you"


"Come on just come eat lunch with me" Toritsuka said hoping he could change the conversation

"Can't I'm eating with someone else" when she finished her sentence she walked away to look for whoever she's was gonna eat with

I should probably go to

"Saikk is that you"

Shit he saw me

I turned around to look at the boy infront of me

"Did you see everything"


"Don't lie to me"

'Ok yeah I saw everything'

"Do you think she's really going to eat with anybody"

'Probobly teruhashi'

"Saiki do you think she still likes me"

'She does, not that much tho, but if you stop your habits she will probably like you more'

I used my likeability meter on her as she was walking away, I could still see her and it was at 40% for toritsuka


"Can't you like read her thoughts" Toritsuka asked me the question that I was trying to avoid from Him. No I can't hear them, but I can't tell him that

'I'm not gonna help you with getting your girlfriend to like you more' I dodged the question

'You should be able to do that yourself'

"Yeah I gues, thank you saiki"

I nodded my head and turned to walk away.


It Was Nice Meeting You. (Saiki. K X Femal Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora