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Y/n pov

It was a nice morning I was still laying in bed to lazy to get up

"Y/n wakeee upppppppp" Haku came in to the room waking me up, getting up in the bed and then jumping on it repeating the words "get up get up get up my mom is calling you"

"Ok, ok I get it, just stop jumping" I said sitting up in the bed, looking at my brother who got down from the bed and leave my room. I heard him say something downstairs like if he was greeting some one and saying "she's not waking up"

That dam kid

I stoop up stretching. I went to the bathroom to do my necessities and when I was done with that I put on some normal stay at home clothes and went downstairs.

I went to the kitchen everything was normal but my sister was acting off, like if she was mad at something or somebody

"Hey y/n it's been a while" I heard a voice say behind me. I turned around to see who the person was, when I turned around my morning was ruined and its the first day of summer brake, come on.

"Oh dad why are you here" I said not wanting to speak to him but I had to say something

"What can't I come to visit my home once in a while"  he said but I wasn't paying attention instead I left him talking to himself and went to serve me breakfast

"Your not even paying attention to me" he said with a hurt expression

"Who let him in the house" I said looking at my sister
"Gues who" she said while me and her were looking down at the little boy infront of us

"Of course it was him" Haku always liked making our life's more difficult, but we still love him.

"Yeah well I'm not staying here ima go out" I said finishing with my plate of food and putting it in the sink

"What were are you going" my mom asked me looking like she didn't want to stay alone here with her husband.

"Going out....  with friends" I wasn't going out with friends I just wanted to get out of the house

"Yeah you know I think I have to go out with y/n friends to" my sister said behind me following me to my room.

"With my friends, really" I said as soon as the door from my room was shut

"Yeah I don't want to be here while you know who is here" she whispered to me not wanting for the people downstairs to hear even tho were in the second floor

"Ok fine but I really wasn't going out with friends" I really wasn't all I wanted to do today was stay home and do nothing

"Alright well we can go eat some were cuz I'm still a bit hungry" she will never get full

"What if we go to one of the cafe my friend works at" I said referring to mera tha workes at cafe Mami

"Ooh yeah I'm in as long as they sell good stuff" she asked, ooh yes they do sell good stuff and sweet
Mm just thinking of sweets is making my mouth water.


We got to the cafe and we sat in the booth in the back. My sister had never been here in fact she had never heard of this place.

"Hello welcome can I get your ord- oh y/n it's you I didn't notice you" me and mera had know each other ever since teruhashi envited me to her house for a sleep over and entroduced me to mera and yumehara. Ever since me and mera would talk but not that much.

"What theirs more sweets in here than real food" my sister said outloud, she wasent a fan of sweets she preferred salty things

"I told you didn't I" I said knowing full well that I didn't tell her about the sweets

"No you dint" I laughed at her getting mad that their was more sweets her non favorite thing in the world

"Mera this is my sister Yuki" I entroduced both the lady's infront of me

"Hello nice to me you, and I'm sorry that we don't have less sweet things" Mera apologize for what
Yuki was getting mad about

"Nah its all good, no need to apologize"

"Anyways, are you guys ready to order"

"Oh yeah, sorry, I'll get a coffe cake with a vanilla milk shake" I Apologize for keeping her waiting for us.

"Yeah and I'll just get a slice of cheesecake"

"alright I'll be right back"

We waited for mera to get back with our order and so she did and we ate it happily, well until somebody ruined the moment.

Reita walked in talking to some girl, they were talking and laughing, I mean Reita was an only child, right. No but she looked like around our age.

My sister noticed this and she started asking if i was ok and If I wanted to leave. I did want to leave so she paid for the check and we left. I didn't want to talk to him anymore, and that girl looked familiar like if I've seen her somewhere before.

We got home and I went straight up my room with out saying word to anybody I just wanted to forget about it and sleep and so I did.


I woke up around 10pm, everything was quiet no sound and it was dark. I went downstairs to see if somebody was awake but their was nobody

I decided to go outside to the park so put on my shoes and went out shutting the door quietly to not wake anybody up. I sat on the bench and waited patiently I don't know why or who I was waiting for but I sat and waited.

"Sorry I took so long" I voice said behind me I turned around to see who the person was and it was saiki for some reason I waited for saiki to get here.
He sat down next to me and saterted talking

"What did he do now" I didn't answer, it was quiet, really quiet. To be honest I didn't know what to say I felt embarrassed telling him what happen. And I didn't want to embarrassed my self infront of saiki.


اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.


Haku is the brother btw I changed it again 😔
Here you go Chapter 8
Thxs for reading

It Was Nice Meeting You. (Saiki. K X Femal Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن