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Y/n pov

'Were am I'

I woke up in an island, not in Okinawa were I remembered sitting in the beach chairs. The last thing I remeber is waking up to teruhashi infront of saikis chair pulling out one of his wierd hair clips

"Hello, hellooo!"

I am alone in an unknown place, holy shit
What is gonna happen
Am I gonna die here and ALONE

oh no no no no no



How did I even end up here

Unless I was kidnapped and the people who kidnapped me took me here to sell me for money


Nooo that's to much, but it could still be possible, but if I was kidnapped I wouldn't be outside right now and I wouldn't be alone either in this dark, and creepy forest...

Yeah no I'm not staying here.

Walking throughout the forest I found a cave, I could here water coming from inside the cave, I decided to go inside the cave to see what the water noise was and when I got to the other side there was a giant water fall that led in to a big body of water Surrounding the lake were large rocks and trees it was a beautiful sight

At least I will die to a beautiful sight and not alone, but I don't wana die with out saying bye to my little brother when I say bye to my little brother I will die in peace

I reach down to get my phone and

Omg my phone I have my phone on me, yes! I'm so happy I'm crying tears of happiness and


When I went to turn it on it was dead


the tears of happiness turned in to tears of sadness because I was gonna die alone

"Are you done crying now"


Their is somebody behind me so that means I was kidnapped after all and I gues I escaped them and now they found me

"Please don't kill me"

Still facing the water fall I turned around slowly, now facing my "kidnaper"

"SAIKKII, FINALY I WONT HAVE TO DIE ALONE" I was surprised to see him jumping into him giving him a hug happy that I wasn't going to die alone

"What, what are you saying" he was totaly confused

"Saiki, I woke up here in this wierd place and at first I thought I got kidnapped but then I started thinking that if I got kidnapped I wouldn't be in the middle of nowhere, and the I started walking cuz It got creepy and I ended up here"

'Ok ok calm down we just have to go back to the hotel it almost morning'

"Wait if I wasent kidnapped how did I even end up here" saiki ignored my question and kept walking out of the cave

"Stop ignoring me, how did I get here I am freaked out right now and I still have no idea how I got here"

He was still not talking both of us were silent

"Fine ok I'll tell you but what I'm about to tell you you can't tell nobody"

"I promise what happens in this island stays in this island"

I know I promised but what he said next was totaly choking but at the same time cool and frustrating at the same time

Saiki explained how he was a psychic and how he could do all kinds of stuff and that the wierd hair pins helped control his powers but when teruhashi pulled one out his powers went out of control and telerported the whole hotel were we are staying in and also teleported me and teruhashi

"Wow... I- I don't know what to say" I was at a loss for word I didn't know how to answer to all of this. It was super cool that he could do all of this but at the same time he was unlucky because of all the bad stuff that could happen if one of his hair pins came of again

"Soooo can you read my mind" I was nervous to what he was gonna say

"No I can't"

"What really how lucky am i"

"It is as if something is blocking me from hearing your thoughts" he explained

"Their was this time when I did hear them, it was that night when we met at the park"

"Ooh yea I remeber that night" I was embarrassed remembering

Both of us stayed quiet

"So who else knows about you" I asked

"Well of course my parents know and I gues Toritsuka knows to" he answered

"Really! Toritsuka knows"

'Yeah thanks to him being a medium and all'

"Oh yeah I forgot he was a medium"

Again we both stayed silent

'We should head back to the hotel' saiki broke the silence

"Yeah your right"

Saiki grabbed my hand and before I knew it we were in front of the hotel, Toritsuka waited siting down on the beach chair he looked up to me

"Y/n, I though you died!" He ran crying to me

"I though I was dead to" I hugged him crying along with him

"I was looking for you so I could give you this coffe cake I bought, I know you like it so I decided to buy it"

So that's why he was a that caffe yesterday he was buying me a cake

"Thank you" I smiled at him

I looked over to say thank you to saiki but he wasent there anymore

"I'm tired ima go to my room now, bye thank you for the cake" I wave bye to Toritsuka and made my way to my room preparing myself for the second day of the school trip

"I'm tired ima go to my room now, bye thank you for the cake" I wave bye to Toritsuka and made my way to my room preparing myself for the second day of the school trip

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Sorry I haven't been posting much, school started and I haven't had much time
Anyways here's chapter 15

It Was Nice Meeting You. (Saiki. K X Femal Reader)Where stories live. Discover now