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Y/n pov

"Hey y/n wake up were gonna be late and I want to grab breakfast fast" Hanna was trying to wake me up so we could grab breakfast but I was to tired I only got 3 hours of sleep after all that happen

"Go eat with out me, I'll be fine"  I tried to make  Hanna go away

"Aww come on I don't want to eat alone with Aoi you know how she gets in the morning"

"Exacly why I don't want to go"

"Please" Hanna say with puppy eyes trying to get me to go with her

"Ugh fine, I'll meet you downstairs" I say getting up from my futon making my way to the restrooms


"Y/nnn yay your here" a joyfull Hanna said thrilled to see me

"Yeaa I'm here"

"Y/n, yesterday you got to the room at 2 why is that" Aoi asked the question that I wanted to avoid

I looked at Hanna  who was alredy staring at me waiting for my answer

"I fell asleep in the beach chairs yesterday while I was getting air and woke up at 2" I answered

I wasent lying I actually did fall asleep but that's not the only reason. I gues Hanna did belive me answering me with an "Oh ok" aoi just stayed quiet eating her food, then their was awkward silence

"Hello lady's, soo were are we going first today"
Luckily haru came over and inturupted the silence

"No where with you that's for sure" Aoi said annoyed of harus bright mood

"I wasent asking you, Aoi"

"You said lady's" Aoi corrected him

"Oh I'm sorry let me paraphrase myself, heyyy y/n what are we doing today"  he paraphrased himself asking me now

"I don't know ask hanna" I continue eating my food while he ask Hanna about what the plan was for today

"Ooh I want to go to the aquarium and then the beach Ooh and then we can have a mini party at our room with the other girls"

"Yeah but what about the boys" I question Hanna who is now thinking about it

"Ooh why not make it outside"

"What about curfew" Aoi tells Hanna

"Oh yeaah"


Hanna and the rest decided to think about the "mini party" later and make our way to the aquarium were we saw teruhashis group

"Heyy y/n" teruhashi came running up to me and pulled me somewhere were nobody could hear us

"Yeah may I help you" I asked confused to why she was pulling me away from my group

" I had the strangest dream yesterday, and gues what"


"Saiki was there in my dream and he finally said oh wow" teruhashi said exited that "dream saiki" had finaly said oh wow to teruhashi
I hold back a laugh at the though of saiki saying "oh wow" to teruhashi

Teruhashi once told me that saiki was the only person that never looked at teruhashi with big eyes and a smile while saying oh wow, she opened up to me about how all the boys did that and not him,
That's when I discovered that teruhashi knew she had all the boys falling for her

"And now.. I need the real saiki to say oh wow" teruhashi said now wanting the real saiki to say those 2 words

"Mkay good luck with that"

It Was Nice Meeting You. (Saiki. K X Femal Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن