Night 1

15 1 0

I think I was on an island. I do not know for sure where I am right now. The land around me was filled with beautiful greens in many different shades along with colorful flowers of all shapes and sizes. I could practically taste the salt. Feel humidity in the air. I assumed there's salt water nearby and the only bodies of water with salt to my knowledge, are the oceans that cover the earth.

However, I could not explore the greenery or venture off to find the ocean. I was trapped in a rust and gold colored cage entangled in decayed and living vines. I barely saw the sky and the light reflecting on the sky that I could view, was dim. Looking around my surroundings I noticed rune-like statues at each corner almost encircling the cage I was inside. They were giving me an unsettling feeling. Terrified, I gripped onto the bars and called out "Hello can anyone hear me?!"

Soon, after I cried out for help, I could hear the murmuring and whispers of something, they did not sound human a slowly it began to hum inside my brain like a low octave note. Once I heard the startling noises get louder, the buzz inside my brain got higher in pitch. I backed away from the bars, hoping safety would be in the middle of the cage. I saw four figures in robes or cloaks, their shadows coming closer, growing bigger with every step as they walked up to the cage. No longer focused on the figures standing Infront of me almost observing me, all I could think about as I felt my heart practically beat out of its chest was, "Why am I here?"

I wake. 

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