23) Arguments

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2 days later Felix and Chan were the best they could've been. They still had some answers they wanted but other than that, it didn't seem like anything was getting in the way.

But of course luck was never on their side.

"Have you asked Hyunjin why he kissed you yet?" Felix asked randomly as he was lounging in Chan's office on his phone.

"No, but I didn't think I needed to. He apologised." Chan said without looking up and his boyfriend and that agitated Felix.

"There was a reason he kissed you, yeah he apologised but that's not an explanation. Haven't you ever heard the saying 'drunk words are sober thoughts?'" Felix continued and Chan still hasn't looked up.

"That doesn't prove he had a motive. He was drunk out of his mind Lix, we all were." Chan's eyes were flicking to the documents in front of him and his laptop and not once to his lover.

"He kissed you with something in mind, but you're obviously not getting that." Felix was getting annoyed now and the other wasn't even paying attention.

"Just let it go Felix, he said he was sorry and I'm your boyfriend. Don't you trust me." Chan said and Felix lost his patience.

"Boyfriend huh? Well my so called boyfriend doesn't even have the decency to look at me when I talk because all he seems to care about more than me is work." Felix said and started to get up to leave.

"Why are you being childish Lix, I will ask him and sort it out. Does that make you feel any better?" Chan asked with an annoyed tone. Felix just wasn't understanding him.

"No it doesn't. And for the record, acting like a dick doesn't make yours any bigger." Felix said and was heading for the door, he slowed down thinking Chan would stop him. He didn't.

The door slammed and Chan rolled his eyes, Felix was being childish and it would pass in a few hours. Right?

"And then he didn't even stop me. Like hello, I'm walking out on you and you're still looking at your goddamn laptop." Felix was ranting to Jeongin who insisted on going out and getting his mind of Chan.

"He's an asshole Lix. I mean you're his boyfriend, he's suppose to pay attention to you more than anything." Jeongin was finding fun in riling Felix up, though he probably shouldn't.

"Exactly. But he ignored me like air." Felix said with a pout and crossed his arm.

They two were in a small cafe slash restaurant having some coffee and talking when Felix was reminded of how mad he was at Chan. He wanted attention. But even besides that, he hated being ignored, he wanted people to look at him in a conversation.

"What if it was really important?" Jeongin asked and Felix furrowed his eyebrows at him.

"Are to you bipolar? Just a minute ago you were telling me he shouldn't have ignored me and now?" Felix said looking offended.

"I know, but I try to look at both sides. I do psych in uni Lix, and found out that a way to solve disputes between two other people, you have to look at both views instead of being biased because that will get you nowhere." Jeongin explained and Felix still wasn't having it.

"Keep your psychology away from me. You're suppose to be my best friend." Felix said and pouted, Jeongin sighed realising this may be more difficult than it seemed.

"I just want to be on the same page as both of you." Jeongin said trying to reason with him.

"Same page? We're not even in the same library." Felix said referring to him and Chan.

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