17) Warning

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Felix's blue eyes landed on black ones the second he opened them. He blinked to make sure he wasn't dreaming and he wasn't, he woke up next to the man he was falling very hard for. 

Chan had been awake for an hour and just watched the younger sleep. He looked like a true angel when at peace.

"Hi." Chan said and Felix snuggled up to his boyfriend as much as he could.

"Hey. How long have you been awake for?" Felix asked and Chan's arms went round to hold him.

"Not long." He said and Felix's relaxed in his arms very tempted to go back to sleep.

"I don't want to get up." He mumbled against Chan's chest and the older smiled at him.

"We're going to have to Lix. We missed work yesterday too." He reminded and Felix groaned.

"My job is to kill people, that doesn't have a set time. Especially if your boss is also your boyfriend." Felix said an pouted up at the other to get out of work.

"How about you stay here then, I need to go to the agency for a little while and I'll be right back." Chan fell for Felix's puppy face and agreed to no work for Felix today. I mean, you have to be borderline insane to say no to Felix's puppy eyes.

"How long?" Felix asked

"Just 2 or 3 hours. I need to check things and give out some more orders that were sent to me yesterday. I also have a drug shipment coming in that I need to check. I'll be back quick though." Chan said and was already starting to get up.

"Noooo, you're leaving me alone." Felix whined but still let Chan go and the older stood up with an amusing smile.

"3 hours max baby." He said and Felix just realised both him and Chan were still completely naked and when Chan was walking to his closet to get some clothes, Felix pulled the covers up and hid his face in embarrassment.

Chan saw the younger do this and shook his head with a smirk. Felix was still shy after spending so much time with him.

The ravenette went to shower and got dressed in all back, got his phone and the gun he always had on him before coming back to Felix's side.

"I'll have some mercy on you and not tease you right now, but I left some pain killers on the table." He said to him and Felix looked at him

"What makes you so sure I need pain killers?" Felix needed them but was trying to deny it.

"You wanna try standing for me baby." Chan said casually and Felix complied. He sat up and was about to get up but his knees gave out and he fell to the floor in an instant.

"Point proven." Chan said smugly and helped Felix back in bed. His body was killing him and he had a sharp pain going up his spine. Stupid Chan.

"Fuck you Chan, this is your fault." Felix glared at Chan who just smirked at kissed him.

"You wanted it. I'll see you later angel." And he left the room. Chan's pride slightly grew but no one needed to know that.

Felix stayed in bed for 10 minutes longer before he finally decided to get up. He stood, with some struggle, and got the robe Chan left for him and put it on. He went to take the painkillers he also left and then had a shower.

It felt so good to take a shower after sex, you no longer feel all sticky and sweaty. So he took a good half an hour. He came out and went to Chan's closet and grabbed some boxers and a black hoodie. Nothing else.

He made his way downstairs, still limping a little, and made himself some breakfast. He then decided he had nothing to do and was probably going to be really bored. He then remembered the 58 missed calls. This was going to be fun to explain.

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