15) Morning By Your Side

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"What were you doing with Hyunjin last night?" Chan asked and Felix's eyes widened. He must have accidentally said it while in a half asleep state.

"I told you he wants to make amends with me." He shyly said stuffing pancakes in his mouth.

"And I told you he's only making amends because he wants you back." Chan said and Felix looked at him with the most adorable face since his mouth was full with pancakes and he had wide doe eyes.

"We only went to get a drink or two. He wants to keep being friends. He told me he'd accept it if I moved on." Felix said once he swallowed his breakfast.

"Friends hm? Friends? We'll see." Chan said and mumbled the last part thinking Felix didn't hear him.

"Are you seriously jealous of your best friend?" Felix smiled cheekily, the whole thing amusing to him.

"I told you, I don't do jealousy." Chan denied. He went over to the sink to start washing up since Felix was done, when Felix came and hugged him from behind. His arms went around Chan's waist and his head in his back.

"I told you, you don't need to worry about Hyunjin taking me from you since I'm yours. All yours. Okay?" Chan smiled at Felix's reassuring words. You couldn't blame him, Felix had a past relationship with Hyunjin and Chan didn't know how much it meant to the blond.

"I know." He replied. He leaned back into Felix's touch and felt at peace. He realised that morning he slept longer than he normally could because Felix was beside him.

Felix just being there made him feel more alive. Peaceful. It was that moment he knew he needed Felix beside him. He would feel so much better with Felix there.

Chan turned around and held Felix in his arms and simply just looked into his beautiful blue eyes.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Felix mumbled and was getting a little nervous under Chan's gaze.

"You have oceans in your eyes Felix." Chan whispered and Felix's blush grew, making his freckles more prominent.

"Lixie, you have freckles? How come I never noticed?" Chan's said as he caressed Felix's cheek.

"I normally conceal them. I had a shower so the makeup washed off." Felix said as played with his fingers trying not to look at Chan.

"Why?" Chan asked in a serious voice and Felix was forced to answer.

"Don't like them. No one does." Felix mumbled still playing with his hands. Chan was making him nervous.

"And who told you that?" Chan pressed on and Felix replied it was his ex.

"Well, I said before. Your ex was an asshole. Your freckles are just as beautiful as you, they're like little starts all across your face." Chan said and kissed Felix all over his face making him giggle from the tickling sensation.

"S-stop." Felix was able to say between the giggles and Chan complied.

"Don't let anyone ever tell you otherwise." Chan said and kissed Felix on his lips pouring out his emotions that he couldn't say in words.

"Your freckles are stars Lixie. All the starts couldn't fit in your eyes so they spread across your cheeks." Chan's words made Felix's heart beat faster and brought tears to his eyes. He had no words to express how much those words meant to him so he showed it through actions.

Felix's arms went around Chan's neck and Chan's arms around Felix's waist. They tried to pull each other impossibly closer. The kiss was full of passion, their tongues fought for dominance and Chan won so Felix let the other explore as much as he wanted.

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