12) Kiss Me

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Felix woke up with a pounding headache. He had way too much to drink last night. He was in his bed and looked down to see Jeongin sprawled out on his floor. He looked like he fell from the bed last night.

The blond sat up and at once, memories started invading his mind. He remembered Chan's words, him kissing his neck and then dragging him to the dance floor.

He remembered Chan's hands on his waist, Felix's back against Chan's chest as Felix's own arms were around Chan's neck. He remembered dancing sensually to the music, he remembered Chan's hands exploring his body.

And before he could remember anymore, a groan came from the floor, or more specifically, the boy on his floor who seemed like he just woke up.

"Give me a sec innie, I'll give you some aspirin." Felix said and he got another groan in response. It took Felix a good 5 minutes to leave the bed.

He went to his kitchen and found some aspirin in one of the drawers and got two bottles of water from the fridge. He went back to his room to see Jeongin sitting up holding his head, probably in pain.

Felix threw the bottle to him and it landed on his lap. He then took some pills for himself and gave the rest to the younger who seemed like he was coming to his senses.

"Did you bring us home?" Felix asked and Jeongin shook his head. As far as he remembers both of them were in no state to drive.

"Hyunjin did." Jeongin said and Felix nodded. He needed to start getting use to hearing that name again.

"You still have Chan's car?" Jeongin asked and Felix checked his jean pockets that were on the floor and yeah, he still had the keys.

"Yeah, why?" He said and Jeongin smirked.

"Do you even know how you're wearing sweats and a shirt. You couldn't have changed your own clothes." Felix's eyes widened and he almost fell from the edge of the bed. No no no no no. He was chanting in his head.

"Yep. Because you still have his car, he had to get a ride from Hyunjin and came with him to drop us off. I was still drunk but I remember him changing my clothes and Chan changed yours." Jeongin explained. How he even remembered was a miracle.

"How do you remember? You said you were drunk." Felix said getting up and going to the closet to find some clothes.

"I wasn't as drunk as you. You were absolutely wasted." Felix groaned into his hands. How could he have let this happen.

"What happened yesterday by the way? You never told me about the mission and something clearly happened at the club." Jeongin too now standing up Felix handed his some clothes to borrow.

Felix knew Jeongin would just tease him but he stupidly told him anyway. He told him all the details, missing out things like what Chan said to him in the warehouse or in the club. He just told Jeongin his actions. Jeongin on the other hand was squealing by the end of it.

"Stop, doing whatever the hell you're doing. It's nothing like that." Felix said seeing the look on Jeongins face.

"Really Lix? You're telling me that what Chan did was normal and didn't mean anything. The way he held you, his gun, his car. I saw and remember very well how you two were dancing last night. So don't tell me it's nothing, it can't be nothing. I don't believe you." Jeongin basically summarised

"It doesn't matter. He doesn't do feelings and shit. And no way in hell am I gonna be his fuck toy." Felix said going to the bathroom to change into his clothes. Jeongin thought about what he said and yeah, he knows Chan doesn't do feeling or emotions or anything. But it might be different with Felix.

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