28) Finally Home

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It had been another week and Chan was finally being discharged from the hospital. He'd been stuck in the same room for so long he felt like he couldn't breath anymore. So finally getting some fresh air was like heaven to him.

He signed the discharge papers and Felix was with him so they both went to the car and Felix drove back to Chan's house. He felt complete with the older beside him, safe and alive.

"What are you thinking about?" Chan asked breaking the comfortable silence.

"Nothing really, just... my parents." Felix said and Chan was confused. This was very sudden.

"Your parents?" Chan repeated.

"My parents. When you were unconscious, Minho called them. Told them a few things. Missed out the part about you in hospital and now they want to see me again. They think that I'm in this mess because they kicked me out. That I'm living this life because of them." Felix explained and Chan took it in. They want to see him again.

"Do you want to see them?" Chan asked and Felix really thought about it. Does he?

"I don't know. They kicked me out because I was gay, they didn't want me. But they are my parents, they raised me. Loved me. So I don't know, I'm having mixed feelings." Felix told him and Chan could understand why Felix would be confused. There were reasons both for and against seeing them and Felix was just weighing his options.

"Like you said, they're you parents Lixie. Parents are the ones who love their children more than anything in the world. Or, are suppose to. I'm just different." Chan said and remembered his own parents and the lengths they went to try to kill him.

"You never found out the real reason they wanted you and Binnie gone?" Felix asked and Chan was amused. Binnie?

"Since when have you started calling him Binnie?" Chan asked and Felix smiled.

"When this asshole next to me was unconscious and on the brink of death, his brother was the one to comfort me and keep me safe. Changbin was there for me." Felix said with sass lacing his voice. Chan laughed at the subtle insult.

"I'm sorry baby, I really am. I wish I was there to comfort you but, then you wouldn't need it in the first place." Chan said placing his hand on Felix's leg.

"But... if I do die..." Chan started and Felix stopped him right there.

"Don't you dare finish that sentence." Felix said firmly but his voice broke and betrayed him.

"If I do die, don't come near me okay, I won't be able to wipe your tears." Chan said and brought his hand up to cup Felix's cheek. Felix immediately pulled over and had to breath for a second.

"I told you not to finish it." Felix said with a shaky voice and Chan wiped away a tear that had fallen. This was exactly his point.

"I promise I won't die on you little one. You are my lifeline. As long as you're here, I'm here. As long as you're breathing, so am I. As long as you want me, as long you love me." Chan said Felix, with some struggle, climbed over the console and sat in Chan's lap.

"I'm going to love you for eternity Bang Chan. When I met you, I didn't think beauty existed in self destruction. But you proved me wrong. You're eyes told stories Chan, with dangerous beginnings and lost endings. Where every page was breathing with colour. You were beautiful to me Chan, you always are. So you don't need to worry about being the only one. My heart forever belongs to you. It always did and I just never knew it." Felix said to Chan and the ravenette had tears in his eyes now. He was truly lucky to have Felix. So so lucky.

"And you Felix? You're not different to me. You don't need to worry about me dying I swear. I always use to think that there was two types of love; the one you would kill for and the one you would die for. But my angel, you are the type of love I would live for." Chan pulled Felix into a heated kiss that had them both melting.

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