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[8th of March]


Calum was eating cereal at the counter, editing photos with one hand and shoveling food in with the other. Ashton was thinking, staring off into the distance as he waited for his porridge to microwave.

Their mornings had so quickly become like this and stayed like this, that Ashton tried to remember how he'd lived in the house by himself. Now he felt lonely if Calum was in the kitchen working and he was in the bedroom. If for some reason the older man decided not to come to Australia with them this year, he would genuinely struggle.

"I was thinking... it's probably time you met my parents," he said at the same time the microwave beeped, a welcome distraction.

He heard Calum's spoon on the side of his bowl, "you think they'll be okay?"

Ashton shrugged, taking his porridge carefully from the microwave, "I don't know about okay, but Sierra and I talked, and she said that she and Luke, and Crystal and Michael could be there, like a brunch that they happen to be invited to. That way, everyone can leave, and it'll prompt Mum and Dad to go too,"

"Mum and Dad," Calum sounded like he was trying the words out, "I've only ever heard you call them your parents," he said thoughtfully.

Ashton didn't know what to say in response to that, it didn't really make much of a difference did it? So he shrugged, joining Calum at the counter. "So, are you okay to meet them? If I organise everything?" He was pushing his porridge around, knowing it was too hot to eat and not really feeling all that hungry since mentioning his parents.

Calum nodded, "I told you from the start, I don't care if they don't like me. I'll behave, but don't worry about me getting my feelings hurt, alright?" It was dismissive in a way that Ashton believed; he supposed Calum already had the dream parents that loved him no matter what; he didn't have to put too much weight into what other people thought of him.

He was quiet for a moment as he thought about it, "we should see your parents again soon... you said your sister came home for Christmas, right? When will she be home again?" He adored Calum's parents, even though he'd only met them once, they were the most warm and inviting people. They were the kind of parents he wished he'd had, the sort that would have done anything to protect him, if he didn't love Calum, he'd be envious of him, maybe he was both at once.

Calum thought for a moment, sucking on his spoon too long, "They asked about you over Christmas, but she won't come back this year; my parents are planning a trip to see her; if the timing works out I'll probably go with them... if you're not busy with tour or recording or something, you could come, if you wanted," he shrugged his shoulders, "I know a holiday in London is probably boring to you," he was scooping up a carefully, too carefully, evened spoonful of cereal, "but it would be nice if you could come,"

Ashton couldn't help himself, a grin taking his face; Calum so unsure wasn't a common thing anymore, maybe still about religion, which is why Ashton was taking it one step at a time, first his parents, easy in Calum's mind and then church, which Ashton knew intimidated Calum much more than his parents did. Mum and Dad, whatever.

So he pressed a kiss to the older man's temple, "I would love to meet your sister... and go on a London holiday with you; I don't go to Europe very often for anything other than tour," before Calum he hadn't really gone anywhere for any other reason than work, he was so used to his parents making him study, or rehearse when he had free time that he never really broke the habit, even now as an adult.

Calum twisted towards him, and the confidence was there again, "Mum'll be glad to hear you want to come, Mali said she wanted you to come, and I told them- well, I sort of leveled expectations, you know, cause you're busy but if you do come they'll be excited," he tried to explain, and Ashton had an ache in his chest.

He didn't want to be normal; he'd wanted to sing, even acting; he'd wanted that at one point, but times like this, he wished he had a normal schedule. That he could put in his vacation days and be guaranteed nothing would come up. But even now, when they were home together most days, plans would suddenly get shifted when 'great opportunities' arose, and Calum never said anything, but Ashton worried one day it would become grating.

"I'll do everything I can to come," he said, wanting, desperately to promise but knowing he couldn't. 

[11th of March]

"It'll be fine," Calum reassured, rubbing his thumb over the back of Ashton's hand.

The younger man gave him a tight reassuring smile and let his hand slip from Calum's, turning to Sierra, "You guys really don't have to stay if you don't want to,"

"Calum's right; they'll be fine," she reassured; the gate buzzed, "I'll get it,"

Ashton floundered, unsettled and unable to find something to do with his hands. Sierra had been trying to be kind, but the younger man would have felt best if he'd been the one receiving his parents; it would have spared him these last terrible minutes of wondering what could possibly go wrong today.

Luke, Michael and Crystal seemed in the same position as Calum, all of them watching Ashton like a caged animal, afraid that he would lash out at any minute.

"We should sit," Calum offered. The others nodded, and Luke and Michael sat with Michael at the head of the far end of the table and Luke on his right. The assumption being that the girls would take the empty seat beside each of them. Leaving the seat for Sierra, Calum took the last seat on that side of the table. Assuming Ashton would sit at the head of this end of the table next to him, and then his parents next to Crystal.

Crystal was a good sport; she could handle his parents easily, especially when compared with Michael, who had on one occasion agreed that video games were all pornography and violence as his father had started in on his third round of that tirade.

Ashton couldn't take the seat Calum had left for him, though, making his way to the kitchen again and opening and closing the fridge as if he would find something he had neglected to put on the enormous tray of snacks. He'd even bought a teapot and sugar pot for the occasion.

They heard voices approaching, and Ashton stilled, "Well, the thing with touring to Australia is that you have to travel so much for so few shows, it's just so expensive, so when Telstra offered to sponsor the tour, we were happy to do whatever dates they wanted," Sierra explained as they made their way through the doorway, immediately her eyes flicked searching for Luke, who she all but sprinted to join, sliding in between he and Calum, squeezing both of their thighs under the table. On another day, Ashton might have been jealous of the comfort that she seemed to be able to provide Calum, but there was too much else going on.

His mother moved then, taking the seat at the head of the table, and Ashton could see Calum hold back a sigh, as he gave her his best warm smile. His father sat next to his mother, leaving Ashton to sit in the middle across from Sierra, who met his eyes. He knew immediately she could see what was making him so anxious.

It would be an interesting morning tea. 

Taken a little break to sort of get my ideas together, and now I'm a few chapters ahead so definitely going to be updates for the next few weeks at least! I hope you enjoyed it!

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