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[16th of July - Chicago]

Ashton had him by the wrist, leading him where? He hadn't said only "come with me," they weaved through people, eyes watching them, while trying not to seem like they were watching them. No one stopped them or tried to speak to them, but Calum felt that once they were out of sight and earshot, there would be plenty of talking happening. Especially as they came to a stop in front of Ashton's dressing room door.

"I don't think I'm allowed in here," Calum said jokingly, but part of him was nervous about possibly being discovered there alone with Ashton. Knowing the eyes that had followed them as they walked made him nervous. They had been alone so often before, and he'd taken it for granted.

Ashton turned to him rolling his eyes, "It's my dressing room; whoever I invite in is allowed in," he said, pressing down on the handle and walking backward through the door, still pulling Calum with him. Dropping his hand once the door was closed and locking it behind them.

"Why's the door need to be closed?" Calum asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Cos last time I was kissing a boy in my dressing room, someone walked in," he explained, coming toward Calum; he could see the hesitance in his eyes as he wrapped his arms around Calum's waist, "this is my way of asking for a kiss," he grinned, biting his lip. His eyes were crinkled at the corners, and Calum felt any chance of denying the younger man evaporate.

So he leaned in and kissed him gently, far more delicately than their first kiss, not letting himself get carried away. As they pulled back, Ashton's eyes slowly flicked open; he hummed happily to himself, "can we kiss some more?" he asked quietly, an excited note in his voice.

Calum chuckled, "yeah, okay,"

Ashton tugged on his wrist again and brought Calum to the couch, pushing him into the cushions and climbing atop him. He brought his lips to Calum's again, and the older man let the slightest laugh slip from him.

He pulled back, "are you laughing at me?"

"Not specifically at you," he reassured, "but this is your what? Fifth? Sixth kiss? And you've pushed me into the couch and are having your way with me,"

Ashton blushed but rolled his eyes before burying his head in Calum's chest, "you're pretty; I can't help it; I wanna kiss you all the time," he confessed.

Calum's cheeks heated; he had been called pretty before, but not by someone so beautiful and with so much confidence. "One kiss, and now you're addicted?" he chose to say instead or combating the 'pretty', ignoring the way it made him feel. He placed his hands on the outside of Ashton's thighs, having to remind himself he was allowed to touch now, firming his grip.

"I've never really wanted to kiss anyone before," Ashton admitted; there was a nonchalance to the way he was speaking that Calum didn't quite buy. The fact that the other's face was still hidden made it harder to tell how he'd meant it.

"Really? Just me?" he asked. He doubted they and the other were on the same page about what wanting to kiss someone felt like. In Calum's experience, it didn't just appear fully formed in your mind like that; It was more complicated.

Ashton nodded, "so can I keep kissing you?" he asked, head reappearing from Calum's chest to fix him with an innocent look.

Calum chuckled, "how am I supposed to say no to that?" tilting his chin up to show Ashton his lips were his for the taking.

The younger man brought their lips back together, licking into Calum's mouth immediately. Hands came up to hold Calum's jaw as he hungrily kissed him, pressing the older man's back into the sofa. Calum had no idea where this confidence had come from, but his brain was growing foggy, hands shifting to Ashton's arse, his arse! It barely even registered that this was the first time he'd touched it; he'd dreamt, literally, dreamt about kneading it in his hands but never thought the day would come. So he chanced a firm squeeze and got a surprised sound muffled into his own mouth in return.

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