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[11th of August - Munich]

Things had taken an easy turn, when compared to the North America tour. Ashton's popularity in Europe meant that in more than half the cities he was playing more than one show, in London, he was playing four nights. Which was insane to Calum, but meant less moving around, and more time to relax. It also made Luke's popularity make more sense, by comparison, the sheer number of people who must have known about him meant that surely some of them would be taken in by his good looks and charms. He hated to admit the charm, because he hadn't had a lot of it directed at him of late, but there had been a time when he was thoroughly drawn in by it.

He was using their excess time to lay on the couch in Ashton's dressing room, the other was at an interview or somewhere. Calum couldn't keep up with his schedule, but they kept him booked and busy. It also seemed, seemed being the keyword, like Luke made sure Calum had as little heads up about most of Ashton's schedule as possible. He found the easiest way to see Ashton whenever he could was to edit in his dressing room, the added bonus being Ashton's dressing room was much nicer than the rooms he usually got assigned.

"I wondered if you'd be in here," Ashton said, toeing his shoes off as soon as he walked through the door. Making his way straight to the couch and for Calum's lap, not waiting for him to move his laptop.

Calum hummed, "thought you'd reappear eventually," shifting his laptop onto the coffee table, so his hands could hold Ashton's waist.

"Had to make sure we got some time together today," he said smiling, teeth grazing his bottom lip almost nervously.

The way he said today, was like it was important and a sinking feeling started in his stomach, had he forgotten something? It had just been Ashton's birthday, what else was there? Ashton tucked his head in under Calum's chin, the younger man relaxing into him. His comfort with Calum made his chest ache, six weeks ago he'd have never imagined Ashton slotting in against him like this. His head shifted to rest his ear against Calum's chest.

"They asked about you in the interview today," he said quietly, but by his tone, Calum knew Ashton was happy about it, "told them you're very talented and private and lovely," he twisted his neck and kissed the underside of Calum's chin. He chuckled his face warming at the thought of Ashton talking about him like that around others. "And I got to tell them we've been together exactly one month today, and many more to come," he knew Ashton was smiling at him, he could hear it in his voice.

Calum's face sank immediately, only now realising what it was he had forgotten. Fuck. He had made such a big deal about how he was going to be the best first boyfriend a person had and he forgot something so simple. He'd never actually celebrated a one-month anniversary now that he thought about it, did most people? He wasn't sure, but he should have known Ashton would want to.

"What's the matter? Should I not have spoken about you?" Ashton asked quickly.

He shook his head, "no, I just- I realised I fucked up. I forgot it had been a month, I'm sorry, I should have done something,"

"Cal, we've been busy, it's fine," he reassured, but shifted uneasily.

"What is it?" Trying to keep his voice soft but worried Ashton was more disappointed than he let on.

Ashton sat up in Calum's lap, "I-I was just trying to decide if I should give you what I got you, or if it would make you feel bad," he confessed. Eyes avoiding Calum's, clearly not sure if he should have even mentioned the gift.

Calum smiled softly, reaching a hand up to hold Ashton's face, making their eyes meet, "don't worry about me, you shouldn't feel bad for being thoughtful," he reassured, gut twisting, but there was also a flutter in his chest.

Promise » [cashton] √Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat