Chapter 2: "Mystery after mystery"

Start from the beginning

Vanessa: "Oi, lovebirds!" She said it making them pause the movie and look at her.

Willow: "What?" She asked it annoyed a little.

Vanessa: "Did someone of you send a plushie to (Y/N)?" She asked it calmly. The two looked at each other with confused looks, then looked at her with same faces.

Mark: "What plushie?" He asked it confusedly.

Vanessa: "The Bonnie one?" She said it as if it was the obvious thing.

Willow: "I know nothing about any plushie, especially a Bonnie one." She said it calmly.

Mark: "Me neither." He said it calmly.

Vanessa: "Then... Who the fuck, send (Y/N) a plushie that is looking like a Bonnie that we created?" She asked it now making both of them more confused.

Willow: "You sure that she's looking like--" She wanted to ask, but Vanessa took out her phone with the photo of plushie on the screen, and showed them. "Oh... Holy fuck." She said it now shocked, while Mark was even more confused.

Mark: "It's fucking impossible. No one knows that we created this game except for (Y/N)." He said it confusedly.

Vanessa: "Exactly! This is why I'm asking you, but if you don't know anything about this, I have two questions. First, how did anyone found out about this, and second, who the fuck send (Y/N) a plushie?!" She asked it in anger.

Willow: "Calm down, Vanny. We'll find out, who did it eventually." She said it as she stood up and walked up to her. "So calm your bunny ass down, okay?" She asked it with the smile.

Vanessa: "*Sigh* Okay, however I need to call (Y/N), so I could tell her that it was no one of us." She said it calmly as she started calling (Y/N).

(Your house. Basement.)

Your POV

Phone started ringing, as I was ready to continue playing. I picked up the phone and answered the call.

Y/N: "Hello?" I asked it calmly.

Vanessa (Phone): "Hey, it's me." She said it calmly.

Y/N: "Oh, Vanessa, did you find out something?" I asked it calmly.

Vanessa (Phone): "Well... I found out that no one of us made nor delivered this plushie." She said it calmly, but her words made my soul go in my feet.

Y/N: "...What?" I asked it in fear.

Vanessa (Phone): "Calm down! I know that sounds not very good, but we will try and find out, who can it be." She said it as I calmed down. "For now, live how you're used to live, while we investigate this, okay?" She asked it calmly.

Y/N: "Okay, be careful." I said it calmly.

Vanessa (Phone): "Will be, bye." She said it calmly.

Y/N: "Bye." I said it calmly as she hanged up. I placed my phone on the table. "Who could give me that plushie, and why?" I asked it out loud as I took the VR glasses. I started up the game, walked up to the chair and sat down on it. 'I hope it's not some stalker or anything.' I thought to myself calmly as I put on the glasses.

(In game.)

I quickly got in the main menu location, and pressed on the text 'Continue' on the monitor in front of me. I appeared in protagonist's room. I looked at the laptop and saw a text 'Chapter 1: Night 4,' and under it was a picture. On the picture was Franny, whose half of the face was in the shadow. She was looking directly at me and in the shadow half, on the place where her eye would be, was a white dot.

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