Chapter Fourteen: The Battle of the Department of Mysteries

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As soon as the Order, which was only made up of Tonks, Mad-Eye, Remus, and Sirius that night, and Annabeth, Fred, and George got outside of number 12 Grimmauld Place, they instantly apparated to the Aurors' entrance of the Ministry of Magic, which Mad-Eye could get them into easily since he had been an Auror for many years after the First Wizarding War as it would soon be called. After they'd all gotten into the Ministry, Mad-Eye led them down to the deep abyss of the building outside the Department of Mysteries. Annabeth and the twins actually had no idea what the Department of Mysteries was or what the purpose of Harry's visit there was, but as they got closer, the bond got louder and louder.

Outside the Department of Mysteries someone whistled towards their group a second before Kingsley appeared from behind one of the wall accents. "Shacklebolt." Mad-Eye greeted.

"Haven't seen anybody go in since Potter and his friends, but that doesn't mean that no one was in there before I got here." Kingsley reported.

Mad-Eye nodded. "Annabeth." She came up to stand beside him with the twins behind her. Mad-Eye leaned close to whisper to her. "You head in beside me. You'll be able to tell when we're close." As they walked through what Mad-Eye told Annabeth and the twins was the Hall of Prophecies, which explained part of the department's purpose, they found it destroyed.

Suddenly, the bond started screaming out. Annabeth elbowed Mad-Eye. "Harry's in serious danger now. We have to get to him."

Mad-Eye nodded a second before they heard battling. Then, it stopped. "Let's go, they're in the Death Chamber." Sirius immediately apparated away. "Sirius! Bugger. Everyone apparate there now."

"Right." Annabeth, Fred, George, Remus, Kingsley, and Tonks responded. I have to get to Harry.

The Order arrived in the Death Chamber with Annabeth, Fred, and George seconds later to save Neville, Luna, Ginny, Harry, Hermione, and Ron. Annabeth first wanted to go to Harry, but then her eyes settled on Bellatrix. As Annabeth knew that Sirius was with Harry and would protect him with his life, as would she, Annabeth tried to catch Bellatrix who just apparated away as Annabeth apparated to her. Then, Annabeth landed as the twins disapparated and reappeared on either side of her, and the Order dissapparated and reappeared around the room. The Death Eaters started duelling as the Order pulled the members of Dumbledore's Army to safety.

"Harry!" Annabeth tried to get to him.

George pulled her back. "We have to protect them all. Ginny's here too and Ron."

"Right." Annabeth, Fred, and George started to duel the Death Eaters as the Order members protected the members of Dumbledore's Army.

Then, Annabeth heard Bellatrix laugh when she noticed who Annabeth was. "Oh, if it isn't the little Smith baby. You here to whine about your mummy and daddy?"

"No, I'm here to protect my cousin, and if I can get vengeance for my parents, sisters, and unborn sibling."

Bellatrix laughed again before she noticed that Lucius was losing his duel against Sirius and Harry. He'd already been disarmed. Knowing she couldn't let any harm come to her brother-in-law or her sister would never let her hear the end of it, Bellatrix rolled her eyes and apparated over to a rock within aim of Harry and Sirius.

Annabeth noticed where Bellatrix was headed, and called out in fear as she tried to run to her cousin. "Harry!"

Harry and Sirius sent Lucius flying backwards just as Bellatrix disapparated and called out her spell. "Avada Kedavra."

Annabeth was sure she was aiming at Harry as the bond was still loud. "No!"

But Bellatrix had actually cast it on Sirius, where it landed without issue. Annabeth froze in place as she saw the look of heartbreak on Harry's face while Sirius was pulled into the Veil. Harry took a step to follow him, but Remus was there to pull him back. Remus held Harry as he screamed.

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