Chapter Twelve: The Patronus Charm

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One day, after returning from Christmas break, Annabeth was standing between the twins with Hermione on Fred's right as they worked on the Patronus Charm in their Defence Against the Dark Arts lesson taught by Harry.

Harry was walking through the room instructing those gathered. "Make it a powerful memory, the happiest you can remember. Allow it to fill you up." He looked to one of their newest members. "Keep trying, Seamus." Harry came over to Annabeth, the twins, and Hermione. "Annabeth, your turn now."

Annabeth nodded, her memory ready in her mind, and lifted her wand. "Expecto Patronum." She executed it on her first try and a clear, blue Bobcat formed with a mischievous grin that raced around the room before snuffing out.

"Well done, Annabeth." Harry praised.

"Good job, Annabeth." George gave Annabeth a side hug and a kiss on the side of her head.

"Nice one." Fred high fived her.

Hermione grabbed Annabeth by the arm and pulled her past Fred so she could talk to her. "Did you know that a Patronus is supposed to represent the Witch's or Wizard's soul?"

The boys were listening in as Annabeth shook her head. "No, I didn't."

"Well, it is. Now, what do you know about the Bobcat?"

"Not much other than it's not native to Britain."

"No, it's not. It's native to North America and can sometimes be called the Red Lynx. It's been said that the Bobcat is known for its fabled grin, and has been dubbed 'The Funniest Animal' because of it."

Annabeth looked at Hermione confused as did the twins. "So?"

Hermione scoffed. "So, this is proof that the Patronus does represent the caster's soul because a Bobcat is a perfect representation of your soul because your soul is made up of two things: your love for Fred and George. Platonic and familial for Fred and romantic for George. So, the Bobcat is your soul in corporeal form."

Annabeth gaped before she looked at the twins. "You know what. That makes complete sense."

"What memory did you use?"

"I bet it was a memory with me." George winked as if to indicate he meant the very one they'd made in the Room of Requirement and Annabeth blushed.

"No, it was a memory of me. I'm her best friend." Fred argued.

"Yeah, but I'm her boyfriend."

"Yeah, but I'm also like her brother. Brother and friend, that's two. Two trumps one."

"Boys. I used the memory of our first Quidditch victory party. We were all so happy and nothing could bring us down. And what made it unique was that we'd succeeded together." Annabeth explained.

Hermione smiled. "That's so sweet."

"Hermione, stop talking and keep trying." Harry called from a ways away.

"Right! Sorry!"

"Go on, Hermione. Try it out." Annabeth encouraged.

"Yeah, go on, Granger. Show us how it's done." Fred challenged.

Hermione turned and raised her wand. "Expecto Patronum."

A clear, blue otter took form in the air and swam around Hermione, Annabeth, and the twins causing them all to chuckle. Then, they heard barking and turned to see a dog running out of Ron's wand a second before it knocked Neville over. They all chuckled again.

Suddenly above them, the Room of Requirement's chandelier began to shake and a noise like someone was pounding the wall came through. Everyone stopped what they were doing, and the bond flared up in Annabeth. It wasn't loud like it normally was when Harry was in serious danger, but it was the new quieter, duller form like Harry was about to face a threat. Annabeth made to move to Harry without anyone seeing her, but George reached for her hand, afraid to let her get separated from him. George pulled her to stand between him and Fred as the twins, Annabeth, and Hermione made their way over to the group with the rest of those gathered for their Defence Against the Dark Arts lesson while Harry and Nigel walked towards where the pounding was coming from. It was getting louder as Harry raised his wand. The lights around them all flickered. Suddenly, the mirrors on the walls shattered. Annabeth and Fred also raised their wands, but George couldn't as he held Annabeth's hand with his wand hand. They all spied a hole in the stone behind where the mirrors had sat. Nigel and Harry walked towards it to get a better look, but Harry pushed Nigel to the side, so he'd be able to check out the threat first. Annabeth wanted to call out to Harry as the bond started to yell out to her, but she didn't have time. Whatever Harry saw had him pulling Nigel out of the way and had them running just before the wall blasted apart. The bond went down to a dull, whisper like there was a threat again. Everyone looked up after the rubble had landed to find Umbridge and her Inquisitorial Squad on the other side of the ruined wall with Filch. Draco came over from the side dragging Cho with him.

"Get them!" Umbridge ordered.


Later that day, after learning that Dumbledore had disappeared when Fudge tried to arrest him in his office, Annabeth, Fred, and George stood in the entrance hallway as they watched Filch put up a new posting that stated that Dolores Umbridge had been named the new Headmistress of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Just as he set the frame on the hook, a storm brewed outside.

"And we thought she was a terror before." Fred commented.


Upon the discovery of their 'special class', Umbridge had dubbed it Dumbledore's Army. All those who had participated in the lessons had been given special detention with the new Headmistress that involved using her enchanted quills. Because of the sheer number of those in attendance, it had to be held in the Great Hall.

Annabeth was seated in front of Fred who was seated in front of George. It was the closest she'd been allowed near either one of them since the day their group had been discovered now that boys and girls weren't allowed within eight inches of each other as per Umbridge's new rules.

Meanwhile, as Dumbledore's Army sat writing their lines in pain during detention, their overseer sat in Dumbledore's gilded chair sipping her tea with glee on her face. Annabeth couldn't help her thoughts. One of these days she's going to find herself alone in a dark alleyway, but I'll be there too. No one but her and I will know what happens that day. She'll get what's coming to her for hurting George, Fred, and Harry.

After their detention had ended, everyone left the Great Hall together to find that Cho was outside. They all shoved past her, even Annabeth who would usually be kinder, but was angry at Cho because Cho's snitching was the reason that Harry was in trouble and in pain.


One night, not long after their detention, Annabeth, Fred, and George where in the covered area of the Front Courtyard consoling a First Year Gryffindor who had had detention earlier that day over his sore hand. Annabeth was sitting on the bench with her arm around the First Year, Fred was kneeling on his other side, and George was standing beside the bench where Annabeth sat.

"What's your name?" Annabeth asked the boy as he cried.

"Michael." He answered as he wiped his tears.

Fred showed Michael his hand. "It's not as bad as it seems. See, it's fading already."

George reached over with his hand and Annabeth showed hers as well. "You can hardly see ours anymore." George pointed out.

"And then the pain stops after a while." Annabeth added as she noticed that Harry had come over to them from somewhere.

"Yeah." Fred agreed.

From behind him, they all heard Umbridge clear her throat and they all stood up and walked towards her, ready to protect the First Year. Harry ended up in front with Annabeth in between the twins behind him.

"As I told you once before, Mr. Potter, naughty children deserve to be punished." Umbridge told Harry before she smiled sinisterly and left.

Fred smirked. "You know, George, I've always felt our futures lie outside the world of academic achievement."

George smiled along with him. "Fred, I've been thinking exactly the same thing. But the question is, does Annabeth's?"

Annabeth had to think quickly. I should stay at school and protect Harry now that Dumbledore is gone, but would I really be protecting Harry staying here? Or could I do more to protect him as part of the Order? There's also the fact that if I don't complete my N.E.W.T.S. I can't be a Wandmaker. I'd be giving up my dream, but I'd give it up in a heartbeat to protect Harry. No, it's decided. I'll follow Fred and George. That's where my future lies. With them. My life is and always has been with them.

"It does. Let's do this." Annabeth declared.

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