Chapter Seven: Apprenticeship

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After Umbridge's appointment, she would often patrol the hall using magic to tuck in childrens' clothes and to pull snoggers apart. Every time she caught Annabeth holding George's hand or felt she was too close to the twins when in between them, Umbridge would blast them apart, separating them across the hall. Afterwards, Fred and/or George would have to hold Annabeth back from attacking Umbridge as she walked away simply because they didn't want Annabeth having detention that year if she didn't need to, or worse, for her to end up in Azkaban for attacking a Ministry employee with magic.

Umbridge, as part of her High Inquisitor duties, had started her review of all the Professors and the courses taught at Hogwarts. Annabeth and the twins had heard from Ron and Harry that she had been particularly harsh towards Professor Trelawney in their class. It infuriated Annabeth to hear because even though Annabeth hadn't ever been big into Divination, she believed that Seers had a power that was needed in the world, and that Professor Trelawney was just eccentric and not crazy. She also believed that Umbridge, and everyone, should treat her better.

One afternoon, Annabeth was in the Front Courtyard cheering the twins on as they were displaying their Sparkling Charm product, juggling it back and forth, as a way to advertise their Weasley Products when George threw it high in the air. The crowd cheered before Umbridge walked over and sucked it into her wand. Fred and George held Annabeth back, again, from going after her. Then, that afternoon, Umbridge banned all Weasley Products from the school. It infuriated Annabeth as she now had nothing to do with her free time. She and the twins had even stopped pulling pranks in an attempt to not get detention if they could help it because they didn't want to be forced to use her 'special' quills. Annabeth had even quit sneaking into the twins' dorm anymore because she was afraid that Angelina would snitch on her, and she'd get detention. She was too afraid of those damn quills. Of course, Annabeth, Fred, and George still somehow ended up with detentions though. It was mostly for eye rolls in class and for talking out of turn.

One afternoon, Annabeth and the twins stood watching Filch put up another notice with a crowd of students gathered outside the Great Hall doors. She was standing in front of Fred and George. When Filch finished and had put his very tall ladder over his shoulder to leave, he turned around, making the students around him, including George and Annabeth, duck or get hit, so he could look at and smile at the large amount of rules posted on the wall. Then, he turned around again, making the students, George, and Annabeth duck again, before leaving.


Annabeth stood with Fred and George in the covered area of the Front Courtyard watching as Filch brought out Professor Trelawney's last bag. Annabeth wanted nothing more than to run to Trelawney, hug her, and take her back to her room, but knew she didn't have the authority to which Fred and George kept reminding her.

"You can't do anything, Annabeth." Fred whispered.

"I know you have a kind heart and want to go help her, but we have to stay here and let it happen." George said.

Annabeth sighed. "I know."

Umbridge came out of the castle into the Front Courtyard and the students gathered around the door stepped aside for her to get through. Annabeth saw red at the sight of her. As Umbridge got closer to Trelawney, Trelawney went to walk towards her but ran into the suitcase that Filch had just brought out. Trelawney walked around it to go meet Umbridge who had stopped a little ways away.

"Sixteen years I've lived and taught here. Hogwarts is my home. Y-You can't do this." Trelawney cried.

Umbridge held up a paper cheerily. "Actually, I can." Annabeth, Fred, and George saw as McGonagall came from one side of the covered area and ran to Professor Trelawney before she took her in her arms to let her cry. "Something you'd like to say, Dear?" Umbridge asked McGonagall.

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