Chapter Four: What He Didn't Have Before

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Annabeth stood between George and Hermione as Fred lowered his and George's invention that worked like a Muggle spy bug to listen in on conversations. They'd named it the Extendable Ear. The group were in a prime spot to listen in on the Order meeting taking place in the kitchen.

"If anyone has a right to know, it's Harry." They heard Sirius argue. "If it wasn't for him we wouldn't even know Voldemort is back. He's not a child, Molly."

"But he's not an adult either. He's not James, Sirius." Molly defended from inside the meeting.

"He's not your son."

"He's as good as. Who else has he got?" Molly pointed out.

Ginny joined the group of the twins, Annabeth, Ron, Harry, and Hermione. "Hi, Ginny." Harry greeted before going back to listening.

"He's got me." Sirius told Molly.

"How touchingly paternal, Black." Snape, who Annabeth wasn't surprised was a member of the Order due to his involvement in Dumbledore's future plans for Harry, commented. "Perhaps Potter will grow up to be a felon just like his godfather."

"You stay out of this, Snivellus."

Harry looked up at Ron. "Snape's part of the Order?"

"Git." Ron replied.

Before they could hear more, Hermione's cat, Crookshanks, had caught sight of the Extendable Ear and had hooked it down from where it hung in the air before running off with it.

"Hermione, I hate your cat." Fred told her.

"Well, at least it wasn't Thatcher who did it." Annabeth pointed out.

Hermione called down the steps. "Bad Crookshanks."

As the kitchen doors opened and Molly came out, everyone but Annabeth, Fred, and George made their way down the stairs.

"Well, we'll be eating down in the kitchen." Molly informed the children.


Suddenly, Annabeth, Fred, and George apparated right behind Molly with Annabeth between the twins. "Oh!" Molly exclaimed before turning around, hitting George in the arm, and chasing the three seventeen-year-olds into the kitchen. "Just because you're allowed to use magic now does not mean you have to whip your wands out for everything. That goes for you too, Annabeth! You'd do well to keep them in line!"

Annabeth, Fred, and George just laughed at her. Ginny came down the steps and walked around Molly like usual. "Hi, Mum."

But Ron walked cautiously around his mother as his father came over and they went to talk to Harry. "You hungry, Harry?" Molly asked.

Arthur put his arm around Molly. "You sure you're alright, Harry? Gave us quite a turn."

"Harry Potter." Someone said from behind the Weasley couple. They separated for Harry to see his godfather with Remus behind him.

"Sirius." Harry said happily before racing to hug him.


Annabeth sat at the dinner table between Fred and George. On her left, George sat watching Crookshanks lick his lips after he'd no doubt munched on the Extendable Ear. Annabeth, on the other hand, was distracted as Arthur, Remus, Sirius, and Mad-Eye were talking to Harry about the Ministry being against him. Kingsley Shacklebolt, another member of the Order that Annabeth had met not long after her arrival, was staying for dinner along with Tonks as well.

"This is very, very peculiar. It seems your hearing at the Ministry is supposed to be in front of the entire Wizengamot." Arthur explained.

"I don't understand." Harry told the men. "What's the Ministry of Magic got against me?"

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