Chapter Thirteen: Explosive Exit

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Annabeth, Fred, and George hovered in their hiding places around the corner from the entrance hallway and the Great Hall doors.

"Ready, Fred?" George asked his brother.

"Ready, George." Fred replied.

"Ready, Annabeth?" George checked with his girlfriend.

"Ready, George." Annabeth confirmed.

Fred and George set off two clappers that were loud enough to get Umbridge's attention inside the Great Hall where she was overseeing an Ordinary Wizarding Level (OWL) exam that Harry, Ron, Hermione, and all the other Fifth Years were taking. As soon as Annabeth and the twins saw Umbridge outside the doors of the Great Hall, Annabeth sent out a Sparkling Charm that spun around Umbridge's face and caused her to roll her eyes before it flew past her and into the Great Hall to explode like a firework. Umbridge turned back to the hallway and looked around a moment before Annabeth, Fred, and George came flying out of their hiding spots on their broomsticks, past Umbridge, and into the Great Hall. As they flew past the desks, tests flew into the air, and they pulled fireworks from their bags and tossed them into the air where they went off in beautiful kaleidoscopes of colours. Annabeth and the twins kept flying around and releasing more fireworks and Sparkling Charms as they went. All the students were out of their seats celebrating. Fred and George stopped in the middle of the room to high five before Annabeth came over to join them and got high fives of her own. After, they all flew off in different directions still throwing fireworks into the air.

Then, they met at the ceiling in the middle of the room, and Fred pulled out a particular firework from his bag. "Ready, Guys?"

"Oh, yeah." Annabeth exclaimed, excited.

"Ready when you are." George encouraged.

"Ah-haha!" Fred laughed as he threw it in the air before the three flew off at top speed, out of the path of the firework.

Umbridge had made it back to the front of the room by the time that particular firework exploded and took the shape of a Chinese dragon. She was instantly scared. It began chasing her to the doors of the Great Hall. When the Chinese dragon made of fireworks reached Umbridge at the Great Hall doors, it clasped its mouth over her and an explosion went off around them, destroying all the notices around the Great Hall's doorway. As the light from the explosion cleared, Umbridge could be seen in her dishevelled state just as all the frames from the notices fell off the stone wall all at once. Then, Annabeth, Fred, and George flew out of the Great Hall right past Umbridge.

"Ah!" Umbridge screamed.

Annabeth and the twins flew into the Front Courtyard with the Fifth Years chasing after them, as well as other students who had come when they heard all the noise. Annabeth, Fred, and George let off more fireworks that took the form of a letter W in the same design as the symbol on Fred's and George's Weasley Products. The symbol of the shop they planned to open in the future.

Flying away from the castle, the trio went to land by the Forbidden Forest and make their Portkey when the bond flared alive in the dull, quiet way like Harry was about to face a threat.

Annabeth started to panic. "Something's wrong with Harry. I have to go back."

"Are you mad?" Fred asked, wondering literally if she was.

"What is with you always thinking something's wrong with Harry? Does this have to do with your secrets?" George wondered.

Annabeth hesitated but decided to tell them a partial truth. "Yes. Look, I can't explain how I know, but I know, alright. Something is wrong, I have to go back!"

"You can't, not after the exit we just gave." Fred told her.

George put his hands on Annabeth's shoulders and sighed. "If you were to go back now, Umbridge would hold you basically hostage and you wouldn't be any help to Harry. Let's get to the Order and they'll help Harry, alright?"

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