Chapter Ten: Attack On Arthur Weasley

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Annabeth was practicing her Stunning Spell against Fred as Ginny worked on her Disarming Charm against George beside them in the Room of Requirement while Neville also worked on his Disarming Charm nearby against Parvati Patil. Harry was walking around the room trying to help where he was needed.

Neville called out the spell. "Expelliarmus." The wand in Parvati's hand glowed a second before flying out of her grasp as it was executed correctly. Parvati, and her sister Padma who had been standing nearby, smiled and went over to congratulate Neville before everyone else realized what had happened. As soon as they did, everyone went over to congratulate him, including Annabeth, Ginny, and the twins.

Harry, who had been behind Neville, put a hand on his arm. "Fantastic, Neville. Well done." He motioned Hermione, Ron, and their secretary, Nigel, over towards the doors so they could address everyone. "Alright. Can I have everyone's attention?" Annabeth turned from where she stood in front of Fred and George. "So, that's it for this lesson. Now, we're not going to be meeting again until after the holidays."

"Aww." Annabeth whined along with mostly everyone.

"So, just keep practicing on your own as best you can and well done everyone. Great, great work." Everyone clapped.

Annabeth went to grab her stuff with Fred and George. George picked up the box of Weasley Products that Umbridge hadn't gotten her hands on before they went to walk up to Harry. Annabeth was standing between the twins as they started to talk to him. Harry seemed to be distracted.

"We've been thinking, Harry." George started.

"We can always slip Umbridge some Puking Pastils into her tea." Fred explained.

"Or Fever Fudge, they give you these massive pus filled balls right on your—"

Harry cut George off. "Sounds great, Guys. Would you three mind excusing me?" He walked around them on Fred's right.

Annabeth, Fred, and George went to head out. When they were out of the Room of Requirement, Fred spoke up. "Well, that's the rudest I've ever seen Harry."

"What do you expect when a boy's smitten with a girl?" Annabeth pointed out.

Fred retched. "Don't even mention it. I get enough of that stuff with you two, I don't need any more in my life, thank you very much."

"Not even if it was you and Angelina?" George asked.

"Well, it wouldn't be gross to me then, now would it?"

"How are things going with Angelina? You're not dating her are you?" Annabeth inquired. She suddenly stopped, and nearly puked.

"What's the matter?" George asked, concerned.

"Sorry, the thought of it nearly made me blow chunks."

"No, we're not together. Besides, if we were, you lot'd be the first ones to know." Fred sighed. "No, she still hung up on George. But I'm working my magic. I figure another year or two and she'll be all mine."

"At least in a few months she won't be seeing George every day. That should help. It'll make me feel better at least." Annabeth mentioned.

"But you'll still see me every day. That definitely won't change." George leaned in and kissed her on the cheek.

Fred retched again. "Please my stomach can't take much more." George and Annabeth laughed as the three headed back to their common room.


Annabeth was sleeping comfortably in her dorm when someone shook her awake. She opened her eyes to find Ginny above her. "What? What is it?" Annabeth asked.

Annabeth Smith in the Order of the PhoenixKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat