Chapter Eleven: Bellatrix Lestrange

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25 December 1995

Annabeth was standing between Fred and George on one side of the kitchen table at 12 Grimmauld Place while Ron, Ginny, and Hermione stood on the other as a Santa Claus toy flew around on a tiny broomstick. "Ho, ho, ho. Merry Christmas." It said before flying to the other end of the kitchen.

"Here we go...Daddy's back!" Molly wheeled Arthur up to the table for Christmas dinner. She ducked her head as the toy came back to that side of the kitchen and nearly hit her in the head. Everyone clapped for Arthur. "Sit down, Everybody, sit down. That's it. Now, presents." Molly walked over to where the presents were piled up beside the tree and started handing them out. She handed Ron and Ginny's theirs first.

"And a nice big box for Ron." Arthur commented.

Then, Molly went to hand Fred and George their presents, but kept moving them back and forth, unsure who was who. Finally, she gave up. "Oh, whatever." And just handed them to either one. Then, she passed Annabeth and Hermione their gifts last. "Come on, open up."

Ron had gotten a fur vest with an emblazoned R on it, Fred and George got matching scarves, Ginny got a pair of blue mittens, Hermione was given a purple scarf, and Annabeth got her yearly bronze sweater with the letter A on it.

"Thanks, Aunt Molly." Annabeth told her godmother.

"Thanks, Mum." Ron said, a little unsure how he felt about his gift.

"Thanks, Mum." Ginny smiled.

Fred and George were putting on their scarves as Harry walked into the kitchen. Molly started to move the presents off the table. "Alright, let's clear this away." As she did, Annabeth, Fred, and George got up to pour the punch for everyone. Fred was filling the cups, while Annabeth passed the filled cups to George, and George handed them out. Molly suddenly noticed Harry. "Oh, Harry. There you are." She grabbed his present and went over to him. "Happy Christmas." Molly hugged Harry and kissed his cheek. "I'm glad to have you with us."

"Thank you." Harry told her as he started to open the present.

Molly walked away. "Now, Daddy, pass that to Daddy." George passed Arthur his punch.

"Thank you." Arthur thanked his son.

"Has everybody got?"

"Yes." Annabeth informed her godmother.

Arthur lifted his glass as best as he could. "A Christmas toast to Mr. Harry Potter." Molly went to stand by her husband, and she put her arm around him. "Without whom I would not be here." Everyone in the kitchen looked at Harry. "Harry."

"Harry." Annabeth, Hermione, and the Weasleys toasted.

"Harry." Sirius, who'd come in while Arthur was talking, toasted as well. Harry turned to see his godfather.

"That is delicious. I shall be needing more of that." Arthur commented on the punch.

They all went on to have a wonderful Christmas dinner that even Sirius sat down with them for. Kringle had joined them for dessert as it was tradition at Roxy's home that Kringle ate Christmas dessert with her and Annabeth every year and Annabeth didn't want that to change for Kringle if she could help it. As Annabeth sat looking at the happy smiles of those around her, her thoughts were swirling. Even though I know a war's brewing, I also can't help but think this is a Christmas I'll never forget. One last happy moment before the horrors we're soon to face.


It was the day that the Weasleys, Hermione, Harry, and Annabeth were to return to Hogwarts. Hermione, Harry, and Ron were heading down the stairs of 12 Grimmauld Place to the kitchen discussing Ron's Christmas present that he wore.

Annabeth Smith in the Order of the Phoenixحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن