Chapter Three: Harry Arrives

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02 August 1995

Annabeth was in the kitchen of 12 Grimmauld Place eating dinner with the Weasleys, Hermione, Mad-Eye (who had stayed for dinner), and Sirius as it was his place, when the bond flared alive. It hadn't been that bad before or that loud. The bond had even started to hurt. Feeling herself getting disoriented, Annabeth knew she had to get out of there.

"Excuse me a moment." Annabeth told them, and got up from her seat to leave the room.

She ran up the stairs to the room she was sharing with Hermione and Ginny, though she'd spent every night since their arrival sleeping in George's bed, and shut the door softly behind herself before running over to the bed and grabbing a pillow. Annabeth proceeded to scream into the pillow from the pain she was feeling, pain like she'd never felt before, as tears streamed from her eyes. After about five minutes, the pain stopped, and the bond quieted down. As she put the pillow back and returned to the kitchen, Annabeth knew that though Harry was fine again, something terrible had just happened to him and she hadn't been able to protect him. I'm failing at my job as his Protector.

When she took her seat back between Fred and George at the table, George leaned over to her. "You alright?"

"Perfectly. Just had to pop to the toilet." Annabeth replied.

"For that long?"

"Are you implying something, George?"

George sighed. "Is this more of the secrets you can't tell us?" Annabeth hesitantly nodded. "Alright. But remember, Fred and I are here for you."


Less than an hour later, after dessert had been served and Molly and Kringle were just finishing cleaning up, there came a tap at the kitchen window. Thinking it was Eden needing something, Annabeth went to the door only to find Hedwig, Harry's owl, there instead.

"Hedwig!" Annabeth tore the door open, and the Snowy Owl flew in to land on a nearby chair, dropping four letters on the empty table. "Some food and water, Ginny."

"Right." The young girl ran off to get some.

Annabeth walked to the table and lifted the letters up. As she read the names she passed them out. "Sirius, Hermione, Ron, and one for me." She tore open her letter and read quickly. Suddenly, and at the same time as Sirius, Ron, and Hermione, Annabeth gasped.

"He's been attacked by Dementors!" Hermione explained to the room. "The Ministry has put him up on trial for using the Patronus Charm under age to defend himself and his cousin, Dudley, from them."

Annabeth had the sudden realization that the Dementor attack must have been why the bond had flared up earlier that night. "You have to do something!" She ran to Mad-Eye, begging. "Go get him, bring him here. Keep him safe so no one can attack him again!"

Mad-Eye put a hand on Annabeth's shoulder to reassure her. "We'll get Potter, don't worry. We'll bring him here before his trial and see he's safe. But for now, I have to go. Dumbledore needs to hear of this." He turned to Fred and George. "Boys, keep an eye on her."

"Right." Fred and George said in unison before George went over and pulled Annabeth into his arms as she cried, worried for Harry.

Sirius headed for the door as soon as Mad-Eye left, but Arthur was quick enough to block it. "Out of my way, Arthur. I have to get to my godson. I have to protect Harry."

"You heard Mad-Eye, he'll see he's protected and have him brought here soon." Arthur assured Sirius.

Molly came up behind Sirius and put a hand on his shoulder. "Sirius, if you go out there now, you'd never make it to Harry. You'd be caught before then and end up back in Azkaban. You'd be no help to Harry from there."

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