Chapter Five: The Original Order of the Phoenix

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12 August 1995

It was the day of Harry's trial. Annabeth had begged Arthur to let her go with Harry, but he and the Ministry had refused to allow her to attend. Even Arthur wasn't going to be allowed in the room with him. He was only able to get Harry to the council chambers and would have to wait outside.

Annabeth was distracted the whole day even though she was supposed to be helping Fred and George prepare their aptly named Weasley Products for sale that school year. But if she could have been honest, her heart and mind wasn't in it.

Arthur and Harry finally returned after dark with the news that Harry had been cleared of all charges. It seemed that he'd only gotten let off because of a Squib neighbour of the Dursleys who had happened by at the time of the attack and saw the Dementors attack Harry and his Muggle cousin. Annabeth was thankful Harry had been so lucky.


01 September 1995

Annabeth was pushing her trolly with Eden's cage on it between Fred and George as she, Hermione, Harry, and the other Weasleys made their way through King's Cross Station with the Order there to protect Harry. Mad-Eye was at the front leading the group with Tonks across from him. Suddenly, Annabeth saw a large, black, shaggy dog walk by her. It was Sirius in his Animagus form. As he came up to Harry, Sirius woofed.

When Sirius passed Harry and got close to Mad-Eye, Mad-Eye started chastising him. "Padfoot, are you barking mad? You'll blow the entire operation."

Sirius walked ahead of them as Harry chased after him into a side room where Sirius transformed back into his Human Form. Annabeth was worried when Harry chased after Sirius, but as the bond was silent, she tried to calm herself down and be happy that Sirius had come to see Harry off.

As Harry ran into the room, he called out to Sirius and closed the door carefully behind himself. "Sirius, what are you doing here? If somebody sees you—"

Sirius smiled at him. "I had to see you off didn't I?" Harry smiled back as Sirius motioned him over to one of the many chairs in the room as he held his coat closed. "What's life without a little risk?"

They both sat down as the others stood outside, waiting for Harry. "I don't want to see you get shut back in Azkaban."

"Oh, don't worry about me. Anyway." Sirius reached in his pocket and pulled something out before handing it to Harry. "I wanted you to have this." Harry opened it to find it was a living photograph in sepia. It had to be at least fifteen years old given how young Sirius and Harry's parents looked. "The original Order of the Phoenix." Sirius pointed to a girl on the far right. "Marlene McKinnon. She was killed two weeks after this was taken. Voldemort wiped out her entire family." Then, he pointed to a couple who stood in front of Mad-Eye and a woman. "Frank and Alice Longbottom."

"Neville's parents." Harry realized.

"They suffered a fate worse than death if you ask me." Sirius pointed to the lady beside Mad-Eye. "There's Elaine, Annabeth's mother." He chuckled. "She was always looking out for James or scolding him. One or the other." Sirius turned to Harry. "It's been fourteen years, and still, a day doesn't go by I don't miss your dad."

Harry looked up from the photo. "Do you really think there's going to be another war, Sirius?"

"It...feels like it did before." Sirius answered. Harry went to give him the living photograph back, but Sirius stopped him. "You keep it. Anyway, I suppose you're the young ones now."

Harry stood with the living photograph in hand, and Sirius followed suit. They hugged tightly once more before Sirius turned back into his Animagus Form. Harry went to the door and opened it. Mad-Eye stepped to the side so he could get out as Annabeth breathed a sigh of relief. Then, the group headed to the platform while Sirius headed for the main door and his run home.

Annabeth Smith in the Order of the PhoenixWhere stories live. Discover now