Chapter Six: Punishment

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That evening, on her way to supper, Annabeth felt the bond come alive. It wasn't loud like normal. Not as though Harry was in serious danger, it was more like there was a threat near him that Annabeth needed to protect him from. Annabeth continued on into Great Hall believing Harry would soon arrive at supper. She sat between the twins when Hermione and Ron came to join them.

Annabeth looked down the aisle to the door but couldn't see Harry. She turned to the two Fifth Years. "Where's Harry?"

"Harry got detention with Umbridge for fighting with her about You-Know-Who's return in class." Ron explained. That's who the threat is. Umbridge must be doing something to Harry.

Fred and George high fived in front of Annabeth's worried face. "We'll have to remember to tell Harry, 'nice job' for getting detention the first week of school." Fred said.

All through supper Annabeth worried about Harry. When she and the twins returned to the Gryffindor common room later, they had set to work starting to sell some of the Weasley Products. Annabeth was to act of their secretary and mark down all the purchases while George took all the cash. She was half distracted though as she kept an eye out for Harry to return.

As soon as he entered the common room, Annabeth set down her clipboard and pencil and raced over to him. "Harry, are you alright? I heard you had detention with—" Suddenly, Annabeth spied Harry's hand. There were marks on the back of it as if someone had cut into it. Instantly, she knew it was something Umbridge had done and that it had been why the bond had flared up. Furious, Annabeth headed for the portrait entrance.

Harry stopped her. "Where are you going?"

"To tell Dumbledore. He won't allow this to happen again."

"Like Dumbledore will care. He hasn't spoken a word to me or even looked at me since the night of..." Harry trailed off as the sight of Cedric Diggory's dead body filled his mind. He shook his head to clear the image. "He was at my trial, and he ran out so fast, as though he didn't want to speak to me."

"Harry, that isn't true. Dumbledore cares about all his students. Even the Slytherins." They both mad a face of disgust. And though Annabeth knew that though Dumbledore may not actually hold any platonic affection for Harry, he did care enough to keep him safe and be connected to him. "Dumbledore would want to know about this."

"Don't worry about it, Annabeth. It's not your problem." Harry walked away as Annabeth sighed after him.

"Annabeth!" Annabeth turned to see Fred waving her back over to where they had been selling Weasley Products. "We need you over here." She went to look back at Harry again, but he'd already gone up to his dorm. Having already decided what she planned to do, Annabeth went back over to the twins, picked up her clipboard and pencil, and went back to work.


The next morning, after breakfast and before her classes started, Annabeth headed straight for Dumbledore's office. Despite what Harry had said to her, she wanted her Headmaster to know about Umbridge's 'discipline' techniques.

As soon as Annabeth made her way to the familiar gargoyle, she uttered the same password that it seemed Dumbledore hadn't changed in four years. "Sherbet Lemon." As soon as the stairs appeared she stepped on the top one and rode them up to the double oak doors before knocking.

"Come in." The Headmaster called out.

Annabeth opened the door and walked in. "A word of advice, Professor, if you would rather I not storm my way in, you should change your password."

Dumbledore chuckled. "I don't mind when you come to see me, Miss Smith. You always have an important reason. It only bothers me when people come to chat for casual reasons. Those times I find annoying. Now, why have you come today?"

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