Chapter 18- Wizengamot I

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In the center of the room stands the defendant's chair with magical chains on the armrests. This chair sends shivers down her spine. "I am sure you don't need to sit there" Snape says, after seeing her scared look.

"They will put Siri in those chains, won't they?" she asks. "Yes" he answers and watches her reaction closely. "What if he works against us?" she asks. "I don't know, Alula" he states. Alula nods.

She wants to ask another question, but is interrupted by the blow of the hammer. "Guardian negotiation of Alula Gemma Black on the 17th of May 1985. Directed by chairwoman Amelia Susan Bones, defense performed by Professor Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore. Assessment of ability to be guardian of Severus Snape" announces a woman on the podium in the middle of the gamot semicircle.

"Before we start, I want to say that I am sorry for your loss, Miss Black. I am sure it was hard for you" she says with a sad smile to Alula. "Thank you, Ma'am" Alula answers quietly.

"If no one objects to it, I would like to hear Alula first" she says and looks around -nodding, but no disapproval from the members of the court. "You are how old, Alula?" she asks. "Fifteen, Ma'am" she answers. "Alright, I am sure nobody intervenes if you come up here to me. I don't want you to sit down there and be scared." she explains further.

Shaking, Alula stands up and walks up to the podium and sits down on the bench right next to her, where some members left her some space. "Don't be nervous, Dear. I just need you to be honest" she says. Alula nods.

"I see in your school records that your grades are outstanding" she begins ", but the last exams show different results. Can you explain that to us?" she asks carefully. "It was very difficult for me after my Mom died. I had some trouble concentrate and with my health, so I couldn't keep up" she answers truthfully.

"That's more than understandable. We are not here to accuse you. Can you explain how Professor Snape is related to this?" Miss Bones asks further. "He is my house teacher and helped me go through this hard time. Professor Snape and I are currently working on my grades and my health. It gets better every day" she declares.

"That is good to hear. How do you feel about living with him and him being eventually your new guardian" she questions. "I am thankful, that he does that for me. It's nice to have someone taking care of you, and I learned that it's okay to need help sometimes. I don't know what I would have done without him." she proclaims, tearing up.

"Very, well. So I assume you want him to be your guardian?" "Yes, Ma'am. More than anything" "Thank you, Miss Black. You can sit with your professors again" she says. Alula nods, stands up and walks back to them. "You did well, Alula" Dumbledore whispers to her and pets her shoulder.

"I want to hear the statement of Professor Snape next" she announces. Nobody objects, so the Professor walks down and sits on the chair.

"You are Professor at Hogwarts for how long?" "5 years" "And you are the Slytherin house teacher, right?" "Correct" "So you are often confronted with situations like this?" "I made my experiences"

"Why do you want to become the guardian of Miss Black?" "Well, she is a really intelligent young witch with a promising future. Above all, I don't want her talent to go to waste. But I also know, how it is to grow up with a difficult home situation. I wouldn't even wish my worst enemy a childhood without a loving parental figure and a home" he declares.

"That's really generous of you. I am sure you can understand that we are a bit concerned, considering your past..." Alula turns right away to Professor Dumbledore. He stands up instantly. "I said it before, and I will repeat myself again gladly. Severus Snape was indeed a Death Eater, but even before Lord Voldemort's fall he rejoined our ranks and worked as a spy for us at great risk of his own life. He's no more a Death Eater today than I am !" he stated, dangerously calm.

"Very well" is all Miss Bones responds. The young witch lets out a breath, she didn't know she was holding.

"You went to school with Alula's brother. I see" she starts again. "Yes" "You didn't get along, correct? Could that be influencing your decisions?" she asks. "We can't stand each other, but that hasn't anything to do with my decisions. Although her brother was one of my bullies, I decided to help this girl. I think this says everything about my intentions." he declares, a bit pissed.

"Alright, I think that is enough. Our last testimony, Mister Sirius Black. Miss Black, you are free to leave the auditorium for this part, if you feel uncomfortable seeing your brother in this state" she explains. "Thanks Ma'am, but this is about me, so I think I should hear it" Alula responds politely. Miss Bones just nods.

Two guards bring a man in muddy brown rags. He is covered in tattoos and his hair falls in his face in greasy strands instead of the normal soft curls. He yanks at his chains and struggles with every step they take. "Siri" the black haired witch whispers almost soundless.

"Mister Black, if you can't behave yourself, then I am forced to let you be brought back to Azkaban" the woman in the blue robes clarifies

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"Mister Black, if you can't behave yourself, then I am forced to let you be brought back to Azkaban" the woman in the blue robes clarifies. Instantly he stops the struggling.

"You know why you are here?" she asks. "Yes" he hisses, "because this coward want's to be the guardian of my sister" he adds and points to Snape, without looking at him. "So you think Professor Snape isn't capable of caring for a child?" "Yes, especially for MY sister! " "Why do you believe this is the case?" "He isn't capable of caring for himself, but is also egoistic AND a Death Eater" he enumerates.

"I am afraid you are the only one, who has this opinion, Mister Black.... but your opinion on this matter still counts, since you are her nearest family member. What would you advise doing with her?" "As long as it is not him, I don't care" he bucks.

"Yes, because you never do!" Alula says loud enough for every one to hear.

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