Chapter 4-The noble house of Black

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(🎶 Farewell to Dobby)

The week goes by rather quickly. Alula takes her classes normally and pretends nothing had happened. Every night, she sneaks out to the owlery with Castor and cries silently.

On the last day before the holidays, she is called up to the headmaster's office again. She is friendly greeted by Professor Dumbledore and sits in front of him. "How are you feeling, Miss Black?" he asks calmly. "I am fine, Sir. Thank you" she answers.

"Are you staying at Hogwarts over the holidays?" he asks. "No, Sir. I am driving home. I need to" she explains. "Are you sure? Do you have anyone to take care of you?" he asks concerned. "No, Sir. Well, except Kreacher. But I don't need help" Alula states.

Dumbledore just nods, because he knows that she is very proud and stubborn. So they say their goodbyes and Alula goes to her dormitory and starts packing.

After a long, exhausting drive, she arrives in London. She used the floo to go to Grimmauld Place 12. She is greeted by Kreacher. "Welcome home, Mistress" he says with a deep bow. "Hey Kreacher" she says back. He takes her coat and her scarf and brings her baggage up. He unpacks for her, lets Castor out and feeds him. Then he starts to cook.

Alula goes to her mother's room. She looks at all her stuff. After that, she wanders around. She comes to the room with the big family tree on the wall. She starts to run her fingers along the lines and ends at the burned place, where once Sirius was written. "If only you could be here. I miss you" she whispers. She goes further to the picture of Regulus. "You would know what to do" she whispers again.

Suddenly, Kreacher stands behind her. "Mistress, please excuse my interruption, but dinner is ready" he says. Alula is startled. "Yes, I am coming" she says, wipes away her tears and follows him downstairs. She sits down at the table. He serves her the meal.

"Please stay. I don't want to be alone." she whispers. "As you wish" he answers with a deep bow and sits opposite to her. It calms her, even though they don't say anything.

In the days, Alula wanders around the house. In the night, she can't sleep. For her, the days seem endless. She often cries and stares at old pictures. Kreacher tries his best to make her happy, but that isn't in his power.

One day the doorbell rang. It had to be a wizard, because the house was hidden from Muggles. At first, Alula doesn't even notice it. But when Kreacher comes to her and tells her that she has a visitor, she suddenly wakes up out of her daydream.

Slowly, she goes downstairs, where the mysterious visitor waits. She could not imagine, who it could be. She freezes when she catches sight of Dumbledore. "Professor Dumbledore! What gives me the honor of your visit. Has Kreacher offered you something already?" she asks.

"Yes, Miss Black, he did. I think he will bring us some tea." he says. He looks at her concerned. Her puffy eyes are underlined with dark circles, that couldn't be missed. She looks awfully pale and tired. He tries to blend it out.

"How are you feeling, Alula?" he asks. "I am fine. It isn't easy, of course, but I am getting over it. Don't worry, Sir!" she answers. She doesn't want to bother him. It isn't his business, why should she bother him with her problems. He for sure got more important things to do.

After Kreacher brings the tea, they sit in silence. "I informed Sirius and Bellatrix like you asked me to. Bellatrix isn't mentally stabil anymore. I am not sure if she understood. But she seemed affected. I am sorry to tell you, that your brother didn't want to talk to me" he says.

Alula swallows. She nearly cries again. "Oh... well, thanks for your efforts, Professor. I really appreciate it. You are so kind" she thanks him. "That wasn't a problem at all. I am just sorry that I couldn't get the results you hoped for" he explains. "Oh no, Sir. Please don't be. This isn't your fault." she says.

"Don't work yourself up on it. I am glad I could do something for you" he calms her. "Miss Black, I don't want to offend you, but I am worried. You don't look too good. When was the last time you slept? Are you sure you want to stay alone here? I just want to make sure you are alright." he explains. "I am fine, Sir. Really, don't worry. Kreacher is here for me. I am not alone. I sleep enough" she lies.

Dumbledore knows that she is lying, but doesn't want to overstep his boundaries. She has to come to him. He can't force her. "If you are sure. Please Alula ask for help if you need any! I am always here for you. It's okay to need help and don't be strong all the time." the headmaster emphasizes.

"Yes, Sir. Thank you again!" she says. They say goodbye to each other. After he leaves, Alula breaks down at the door and cries her eyes out, a hundred of questions in her head.

'How can I get trough this? Why doesn't he care? Where is my caring brother? Why they don't see I can't do this alone? Why everybody leaves me? How do I deserve this?'

Then tons of thoughts are following:

'I have to stray strong. I need to bring honor to my family. I can't show my struggle. I don't need anyone. Sirius isn't family anymore. He is a blood traitor. Don't bother anyone with your problems!'

Completely tired out, she fells asleep on the carpet in front of the door. Kreacher carries her to her bed and covers her up tightly. With a smile, he whispers: "Kreacher takes care of Alula, just as Mistress wished. Kreacher's service to the noble House of Black is his purpose in life"

Alula Blackजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें