Chapter 14- Earning a reward

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(🎶 At the Burrow)

Loudly she lets the books hit the table and sits down behind it. Snape puts his tea cup down and fastly comes towards her. "Stand up, Miss Black" he says annoyed. She does it confused.
"Now take your books" he says. She does what he says again. "And now you put them down quietly without giving me attitude" he says.
A little ashamed she puts them down and sits noiseless.

"I want you to value things. I know, you are used to getting everything you want. But education is an important privilege, so it should be treated with a curtain respect" he explains to her and sits down besides her. "I understand, I am sorry Sir" she says.

"I know, you would prefer doing something else, but we are here to help you with your schoolwork, and we can't afford to lose more time. And I think, you'll prefer it to be done and to pass your free time with your family than to have to do it when everybody does something fun" he adds. She nods and opens her book.

"If you do it properly than we are going to finish quickly" he says before giving her some tasks.

An hour later, they finish the lesson for the day. Tiredly, Alula brings her book back to her room. There she finds Narcissa. "Already finished?" she asks. Alula nods. "Great, I think Draco will be up any minute now." she smiles. "I like your decoration. You have a good taste in aesthetics" she says. "Thanks" she Alula says with a blush.

"How is it living with your Professor?" she asks. "It's alright. He is rather strict, but it's better than to live in a foster home with muggles" she says. Narcissa laughs at that. "When you are older, you are going to see how much luck you had to be with him. I know, that he is difficult sometimes, but he is one of the most intelligent persons I know. And he doesn't brag with it" she explains.

Alula doesn't say anything. She is aware that her cousin knows what she is talking about but sometimes she doesn't feel this to be right. It's her Professor after all.

Their conversation is interrupted by a cry of Draco. "Ah, I knew it" Narcissa says and leaves the room for a moment. She comes back with Draco on her hip. He is hiding his face in his mother's neck and yawns a bit. "Aww, did you have a good nap, dragon?" Alula asks with a smile.

He nods shyly. "Wanna go out a bit and watch the clouds?" she asks. Again he nods. So she takes him from Narcissa and goes outside with the little boy. Together they sit down in the green grass and watch the clouds. "Look, Lula! A dragon" Draco yells. Occasionally, they discover new forms in the sky.

 Occasionally, they discover new forms in the sky

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

"Lunch!" they hear from inside. Alula takes him inside again. "We need to wash our hands first, hun" she whispers. So she carries him to the sink and helps him wash hands.

After that, they help to set the table. All four sit down and fill their plates. Narcissa helps Draco a bit. Snape leans over to her. "I am proud of you for eating your vegetables without discussion, but I want you to take a bit more chicken. You need some proteins" he explains.

Alula huffs a bit. "I know, it's okay, you don't have to finish, but you need to try it at least" he says takes the spoon and puts some more chicken on her plate. Alula doesn't say anything back.

They eat in peace and Alula even finishes the plate. Snape notices it, but keeps it for himself. She helps to clean the dishes while Snape stows away the leftovers.

"Thank you for having us, Severus" Narcissa says politely. "Oh, please, it was my pleasure" he waves off. Then she hugs her cousin tightly. "Head up, deary. Write me" she says and gives her a kiss on the cheek.

A view seconds later, they are disappearing with green flames.

"Alright Alula, you already finished your schoolwork for today, and you helped us with Draco and the tasks, and you finished all your lunch, even though it's hard for you. I think you deserve a reward" he says. Alula can't but stare at him.

"Don't look at me like that. I am not heartless" he says. "I know" she whispers, not sure if he could hear. "What do you say if we take a stroll at the beach? I am sure you will enjoy the fresh air" he offers.

"That is a lovely idea. Thank you, Sir" she answers. "Go get change, please. I will have to change my cloak as well." he orders. Alula runs upstairs to find a dress and a cardigan. Downstairs, he waits for Professor Snape.

He comes back wearing a pair of linen trousers, a thin white shirt and a tweed jacket. Again, Alula stars at him. "Not good?" he asks, looking down himself. "You look very handsome, Sir. Better than in those black robes" she says with a blush. "Well, I like them better" he says. Alula just shrugs.

"So before we leave the protective wall, I want to set some ground rules. 1. You stay where I can see you. 2. If you are lost, which is not going to happen, you stay where you are. I will find you. 3. What I say goes. When I say no, it means no. When I say we are leaving, we are leaving, I don't want to hear any discussion. 5. We do not talk about magic or the wizarding world. If somebody should talk to us. I am your father, and we are making a trip to the beach... clear?" he states. "Yes, Sir" is all she answers.

Together they leave the house. As they cross the wall, it sends tingles through her stomach. Curious, Alula turns around to see the house from the other side. All she can see is an old ruin. A little frightened, she looks at her Professor.

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