Chapter 2- 10 points for Slytherin

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(🎶 Dumbeldore's Army )

Alula wakes up with Castor in her arms. She slept pretty well this night. She gets up and puts on her cloak and the tie. Then she feeds Castor and goes to the great hall.

After arriving at the Slytherin table, she gets her schedule. She doesn't get her eyes off of it . She sits down, light-headed. She doesn't even notice, that Violett talks to her. "Earth to Alula! Is someone there?" she asks. She waits a moment, but Alula doesn't answer.

Now Violett takes the paper out of her hand. "I was talking to you, but you didn't answer. Is something wrong?" Violett explains after a shocked look of Alula. "Sorry... I am fine... What did you say?" Alula says, a little ashamed. " I wanted to know which lessons we have together and if you wanted to sit with me" she answers.

Violett looks at the paper and frowns. "Mh, jay we have history of magic, care of magical creatures and defence against the dark arts together... Oh, now I know why you were so shocked. Your first lesson is with Professor Snape. Are you still scared of him?" says Violett amused. For that comment, she gets a hit with the elbow from Alula. "AU! Jesus! Chill... so you are!" she snickers.

"Haha... just make fun of me. I don't care! As if you weren't scared of him" Alula counters. "I respect him, that's something different." Violett answers. "Oh it's time... See you later! And don't shit yourself" she says with a wink and goes to her first lesson.

Alula takes a deep breath and stands up with legs like pudding. She wavers to the dungeons and takes a seat in the last row, in a dark corner, where she is almost invisible.

 She wavers to the dungeons and takes a seat in the last row, in a dark corner, where she is almost invisible

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

As always, Professor Snape enters the room dramatically, with a flowing black cloak and a harsh door slam. Alula freezes. He begins to read out what is to right down, everyone knows by now that in this classroom you keep quiet and write what he says. Trembling, she writes down what he says and explains.

Now and then he asks something. Most of the time he is pleased with the answers, but then he starts to walk around the classroom.

Alula caught in her doodling doesn't even notice that he comes closer. She gets startled as he says her name. "Miss Black! Are my lessons too boring for you, or do you just think they aren't worth your time?" he nearly yells. "N-No, of course not, Sir" she stutters. "Then why aren't you paying attention?" he questions. "I am sorry, Sir" she answers, nearly inaudible.

He understands her very good. "That wasn't the answer to my question" he states. "So I ask again, why aren't you paying attention and doodle some meaningless nonsense instead?" he asks, already pissed.

"I already read the chapter in the holidays, Sir. I didn't mean to disrespect you, Professor. I will pay attention now..."she begins, but gets interrupted. "So you are able to answer some questions I have, Miss Black?" he provokes.

Without waiting for her answer, he starts with the questions. "What can't the Poly juice Potion change?" "The species" "Which effect has the bezoar in the potion?" "Bezoar isn't an ingredient for Poly juice Potion" "On what do you have to pay attention, before using flux weed?" "You have to pick it at full moon"...

Alula could answer all his questions, and Snape couldn't hide his surprise. "Well, not bad, Miss Black. 10 Points for Slytherin! If you hadn't doodled, it would be 20. If I catch you again, you will have detention for the rest of the month. Am I clear?" he explains sternly. "Understood, Sir." she answers, glad the lesson is over by now.

The rest of the day goes by pretty smoothly. Nothing special happens. Alula is exhausted after the first real school day and goes to bed early.

Alula BlackTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang