Chapter 13- Cissa & little dragon

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(🎶 Dragon Flight)

As Alula wakes up, still tired, she looks around pretty confused. She recognizes her new designed room. 'Maybe this all was just a dream' she thinks, but after sitting up, she knows it really happened. Her backside was stinging like hell, and she wasn't thrilled to repeat that. It was enough that it was her professor.

Carefully, she climbs out of the bed, without something touching her sore behind. She dresses and goes down to the kitchen.

"Miss Black, I didn't expect you down here this early.... You must be tired... You can go to bed again if you want to" Professor Snape says.
"I am fine Sir" she says and sits on one of the kitchen chairs carefully. "I see" he smirks. She just ignores his sneaky comment and spoons her oatmeal.

Soon after, you can hear a loud WUSH from the chimney. "Are you expecting someone, Sir?" Alula asks. He shakes his head and gets his wand out.

Little footsteps are heard, and a little blond boy runs in the kitchen excitedly and screams "uncle Seviiiiii".

"Draco? What are you doing here alone?" Alula asks.

"He isn't alone" says a female voice. Alula turns around immediately, because she knows this voice too well.

"Cissa" she says with teary eyes and runs to her cousin. "Hi Ali, how are you deary? I am sorry I couldn't be there for you" she whispers and gives her younger cousin a kiss on the hair.

"I am alright" she gives back. The Professor has meanwhile the little Draco on his hip. All of them sit down.

"You've grown so big since I last saw you, little dragon" Alula smiles. "I am gonna be five soon" he states proudly. "Wow, what a big boy. Do you wanna play a little?" she asks. He nods quickly. "May we?" Alula asks with puppy dog eyes. "Sure, but don't leave the protective wall" Snape warns. "Yes Sir" she says, takes Draco's hand and pulls him outside with her.

"Severus I believe you have some explaining to do" Narcissa starts and watches the Professor closely. "This girl can't live for herself, so I saw it as my duty as her house teacher to take care of her. I couldn't let her talent go to waste," he explains simply.

"And you didn't even think of telling us, Severus?" she asks in disbelief. "I would have in the future. We just had to get used to each other. Dumbledore gave her the chance to find back to her routine. The last months haven't been easy for her. She has some serious issues." he explains.

"I didn't think you were this soft" she smiles. "I am not. She is a brat, like her brother was and still is." he says. "Please, you wouldn't help her, if you really would think of her like that. She is a good girl, of course she isn't perfect, but we were young once too. I am sure she needs a firm hand, but you have to regard her situation. Her mother was always very strict with her. They only had each other after my uncle and her brother died. Alula was ten at this time. " She says and takes a handkerchief to wipe away some of her tears.

"I know that" he answers. "I trust you to take good care of my little cousin. She is a fragile girl, even though she doesn't show it" she says. "I will" he promises. "I have to think of her future as well... I want her to have a home" he says.

"Who are you and what did you do to the godfather of my child?" she asks. He only gives her his annoyed look. "You know, what I mean... I thought of adopt-" he starts but gets interrupted.

"You want to adopt her?" Narcissa asks in disbelief. "I said, I thought about it. It would make everything easier and I could keep her safe. The only problem is that we would need everybody's consent to do this. And I am not sure if she would want it. I am her Professor, after all. I know how it is to grow up without a loving home and I don't want that for any child" he says.

"I am also not her legal guardian just yet, but Dumbledore sets all levers in motion..." he adds. Narcissa can't, but wonder. "I want nothing more for her than a parental figure... she thinks she is alone and has to solve everything on her own" she says.

They just sit in silence for another few minutes. "So how is it going so far? I noticed she walks strange, did she hurt herself?" Narcissa starts again. "Well, we did some good schoolwork, and she really made progress... oh, and don't be concerned. She just learned not to cross me" he says.

"I see, my cousin is in good hands" she smiles. "Did you think otherwise?" he asks cocky. Both laugh.

"Mommy!" they hear

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"Mommy!" they hear. Little Draco comes running in and brings his Mother a bunch of flowers. "Aww, thank you, Draco" she says smiling. Alula stands behind him. "I will put them in the water for you" she says and takes the flowers from her cousin. "Yes, that's a great idea" Cissa smiles.

Draco yawns a little. "I see, someone is tired already" she says. "Can I lay him down, Severus? " She asks. "Sure, you know where" he says. "During his nap Alula can do some schoolwork" Snape says.

Alula groans. She is hit by a death glare. "Do you want to say something" he asks. "No, Sir. I am going to get my books" she says and runs up the stairs. "I thought so" he mumbles under his breath.

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