Chapter 12- Lessons are need to be learned

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(🎶 The Exodus)

A view nights later, Alula can't sleep again. Different than to the one night before, her Professor doesn't check on her.

Alula didn't sleep well in the last nights. And now she is up again. Sitting and staring.

She decides to walk around for a little while. In the salon, she sees the magical bookshelf and is a little attracted by it. She walks to the book, she knows she has to pull out. Should she? He wouldn't notice, would he?

Her boredom gets the best of her, and she pulls it out. Like before, the staircase appears. Slowly she walks down there. Trying to make as less noise as possible.

She wouldn't do anything. Just look around a little. She promised herself.

At first, she walks to the potion shelf and observes the potion and ingredients. How much she could brew with this. She makes a checklist in her head, what she could try. Alula would of course ask for permission first. Then the greenhouse catches her eyes once more.

She opens the door gently and walks in. There are so many plants that she has to calm down her heart before stepping closer.

It's magically enlarged on the inside, so she can even take a little walk.
After a good little stroll she walks back out, closes the door, climbs up the stairs, closes the bookshelf and sneaks back to bed.

Now she can sleep in peace.

A view nights later, she has sneaked out every night, she walks again down there.
She slowly opens the door.

She gets startled by a harsh throat clearing. 'Oh shit' she thinks.

Slowly, considering every movement, she turns around. In front of her stands a furious Snape.

He just stares at her. It makes the whole situation more uncomfortable. Like a frightened deer in the headlights, Alula just stares back at him.

"I- I am s-sorry, Professor..." she starts stuttering. "Go on... I want to hear your excuse for this, Miss Black, " he states coldly.

"E-ehm... I mean... I-I just couldn't sleep... It calms me... I swear I didn't touch anything... I always just look around a little and go back to bed" she explains. "Always?" he asks in disbelief.

She freezes. 'Ok, now he is going to kill me' she thinks. "What did I tell you would happen, if I catch you down here without permission?" he asks calmly. But this only scares her more.

"I-I d-don't know" she stutters again. "Oh, I am sure you remember quite well, Alula" he says. "Ehm... that y-you would put me over your k-knee?... Please don't, Sir... I-I am so sorry" she pleads.


⚠ TW! Corporal Punishment

"If you behave like a little child, I'll have to treat you like one... now up you go and you better find yourself a corner to think about what you did" he says.

She nearly runs back up. She stands in one of the corners, crying her eyes out.

"Time is up... come to me, Alula" he says. Shaking, she walks over to him. She can't look him in the eyes.

"Look at me!" he barks. Her eyes snap up immedieatly. "I think you know how disappointed I am. I thought, I made it clear, where your boundaries were... But I was wrong" he says.
Alula's heart breaks. He can be angry with her as much as he wants, but disappointment is something worse.
She swallows hardly. "I am sorry, Sir" she whispers.

"I know you are. But your punishment isn't over yet. I want you to remember it" he says.

He sits down on the couch and stretches his hand out for her. She stares at him.
"If I have to get you, it's going to be worse" he says. Quickly, she gives him her hand.

Gently, he pulls her over his leg and blocks her legs with the other leg, so she doesn't fall.

Uncomfortably, she slides around. He waits for her to calm down a little, before landing the first spank. Her pajama pants aren't as thick as she wished them to be at this moment and she feels the stinging pain even more.

He lands a view more slaps down there. "You *slap* will *slap* never *slap* go down there alone *slap* again *slap*....
*Slap* If you can't sleep, you will come to me *slap* and don't sneak around any more *slap*" he says and marks his words with slaps.

Alula sobs. She feels so terrible. "I am soo sorry... please" she begs. "Shh, almost done" he calms her." I need you to slide up a little bit... I don't want you to fall" he explains.

He helps her. "Thank you" he says, before swinging his wand. He summons a wooden ruler. Alula whimpers. "Last ten... I want you to count" he says and starts torturing her bottom again.

"O-one..... t-two..." she whispers breathless. The next eight slaps com down quickly. Alula cries and sobs hard. "I-I am sorry... please no more" she cries out.

"Shh it's over... Everything is forgiven..." he says and sits her up in his lap. She cries on his chest. He gives her time to calm down and pets her back.


"I hope you learned your lesson... I don't want to repeat this... but I certainly will if you misbehave like that again... Your brother never learned his lesson... I don't want you to become a brat like he is" he explains.

"Siri isn't a brat" she says. Snape laughs. "I am sure he isn't for you... He is your older brother and like a role model... but I have seen enough" he states.

Alula doesn't answer something. Instead, she falls asleep on his lap. He carries her to the bed, covers her up, gives her a kiss on the forehead and leaves her alone to sleep.

He hated doing this to the girl. But he had to put his foot down. He only had done this to a view rascals in Hogwarts. It seemed to work, even though he didn't enjoy it. He would do it again, if needed, but he hoped silently there wasn't the need for it.

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