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Icecube looked out towards the ocean, it had been a few days since Darkstalker was defeated and he felt happy. Icecube had checked on Hailstorm and Icicle everyday, they were healing well from Darkstalker's original attack. Winter had gone to stay at Jade Mountain with Qibli and had Planned to live with Qibli when they left Jade Mountain.

Icecube heard some talon steps behind him, it was Glacier, "Hello queen Glacier, what are you doing here?" Icecube asked, Queen Glacier replied "I was looking for you actually, I was told you haven't gone back to Jade Mountain yet, why is that?"

Icecube quickly replied "I can't leave Icicle and Hailstorm alone, who knows how Narwhal and Tundra will treat them-" Queen Glacier cut him off, "I am aware they have a tendency to treat quote unquote failures, but trust me I won't let them hurt your siblings, it still brings me shame I let them hurt Winter when he was so young."

Icecube smiled and said "Thanks Queen Glacier, it is good to know they'll be ok." Glacier then said "I assume this means you're going back to Jade Mountain?" Icecube nodded and said "Yeah, I just need to pack up some things before I leave."

Icecube quickly left and began to pack up some stuff he had in his room, including a small cage with a friendly scavenger for Winter. Icecube quickly said goodbye to Hailstorm, Icicle and Glacier as he began to head back to Jade Mountain.

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